Members of AZ Billiards’ Forums
Thank You from Phil Capelle
A big thank goes to the more than 200 members of AZB’s forums who voiced your support for my work. Your positive and enthusiastic comments have contributed to the success of my books. I look forward to hearing from you in the years ahead. If you wish to write, I can be reached at [email protected]
Below is a list of pool players who have commented on my books. I apologize for any of you I might have missed. I made minor corrections to spelling mistakes, including my
14-1StraightMan- 1hit1der - 211Dave - 9BallJim
Aaron_S - accustatsfan - acedotcom - acousticsguru - AimingVoodoo - akaTrigger - Andrew Manning - Asmith7
baboon –Bamboo - Barioni Cues - BAZARUS – BigAl - Big Business - Bigdogbret -Bigkahuna - Big_H515- Billy_Bob - BillYards - Black-Balled – bluepepper - blueridge - Bluey2King -Bob Jewett – briankenobi - BRKNRUN - - brokenarrowjbe - bud
Calgaryplayer - Cameron Smith - catscradle - Center Pocket –cheffjeff - christopheradam– cigardave - cmsmith9 –CreeDo – Crosseyed -
ctyhntr - Cue4fun - Cuedog Cuemaker03 - Curt - custmqs
dafunkdawg – Dale (pdcue) - danquixote -Dardusm - dave fingers - David Beck - David “Blackjack” Sapolis – DavidMNienow - DelaWho??? - Dennis Walsh Dmgwalsh – Devindra - dgem - DJKeys - DogsPlayingPool – Donny Lutz – Donovan - dontdogit - drivermaker - duckie
F8it -Frank_Glenn - Flettir - fxskater
GoeEnvi - George Fels – Gerry - Gforces1911 - Gregg -Greyghost – Guapo - gunzby
Henho - Homepc - Horton129
I210mfu -Icon of Sin - iusedtoberich
JAM - Jay Helfert - jhendri2 – Jimmyc – Joey Aguzin (FB) - JoeyinCali - John Biddle -Johnnyt - Johnny “V” - jondrums - jrt30004 - Jude Rosenstock - JusticeNJ
Kaznj –Kevin – Klockdoc – Klopek – KMRUNOUT - Kyzyl
LApoolbum - LC3 – ledrums - lewdo26 – LightsOut - Liz Ford - Luv1pocket – Luxury
McKinneyMiner – Majic – Maniac - master9baller – Matcase – mattman - md5key - Measle Ball – Metallicane - Michael Fedak - mjantti - mnorwood - mosconiac
NaClBandit - Nature Boy - Neil
Okinawa77 -On the Run - OneArmed
PKM - pmata814– Poolfoole – poolhustler - poolguy123 – poolplayer -poolplayer2093 –
PoolSharkAllen – Poolsnark - predator - Predator5K4 – Purpdrag - Pushout
Qexpert_101- Quesports
RackemBilliards - Ratta – rrich1 - Roadking – Robert Martin -rogelioii -Roger Long - Room101 - Rolloff – Ron scuba - RWOJO
Samiel –Sandfoot – Scaramouche - Scottjen26 - Secaucus Fats - ShaneT58 -Shooter77 - sicbinature- Side Pocket Kid – Siz – SJM –
Smoknum - Snake Plisken - Sore_Aintya – SoundWaves -SPINDOKTOR – SplicedPoints - Splinterhands –SPRINGFIELDFATS - Stevekur1 - Steve Lipsky – StraightPoolIU – StudntofHmanMvs - Supergreenman
Takumi4G63 –TATE - terhje -The420trooper - TheBook - thejeffcho - The Kiss - The Man – ThePoliteSniper – TimKrazyMon - tjlmbklr – tobyjoe - Tommy D. -topcat1953 - Travis Bickle - TSW - TX Poolnut
Vahmurka - vapoolplayer - Varney Cue – VIProfessor - VitalSigns81
Wally in Cincy – wigglybridge – Williebetmore – Wolven - woody_968
Zims Rack
Multiple Book Endorsements
What Phil had was a clear understanding of the nuances of the game and was able to articulate that in book form. And he is a good enough pool player to know that of which he speaks. Thanks to his excellent books on Pool, Phil has acquired widespread respect in the industry, far beyond the respect he earned previously as a "shortstop" pool player. (Author’s note: a “shortstop” is an A- to A player by most measures. Pros are A++.) Good for him is all I have to say. He is yet another example of a poolplayer that found his niche in the industry, without having to rely solely on making balls.
Jay Helfert
Another sound advice is, read a book. Phil Capelle writes great, easy to read books that get right to the point of whatever problem you are looking for. Books are a lot cheaper then getting lessons, though not quite as personal to your needs/faults that a good teacher with a video recorder can provide.
Like his other works I think Capelle's latest book is outstanding. I have found his books to be some of the greatest how to guides that I have ever read concerning any topic. have talked to some pros who I will not name that try to discredit Capelle and Bob Byrne. Their argument
is that these guys were never great players so they do not really know what they are talking about. My response to that is if any great pro writes a book that is as good as Capelle's and Byrne's then I will buy it. But that's just it, not many pros have written books or are willing to share the wealth of pool knowledge. Until the pros write a great book I will stick with Capelle.
Phil Capelle is the author of the Play Your Best Pool books series (Pool, 8ball, 9ball, Straight Pool) and plethora of other books (mental,
practicing, trick shots) and learning DVDs. My knowledge of pool in general, certain shots and positions, and especially 8ball has exponentially improved because of the information he shares in his books and DVDs. Because of him, I am VERY thankful!
Melinda Bailey
I've never seen Capelle play but his books are very detailed and thorough. Definitely worth the money. How many lessons would you have to take to get all the knowledge he puts into his books? Cost a hell of a lot more than 25 bucks, too.
bud green
I think Capelle puts out some great material.
I just wanted to thank a bunch of you who recommended some of Phil Capelle’s books to me. I thought I knew a lot before but it just shows that in order to get better you need to be able to receive info and use it with confidence that what the experts know may help. Anyway I would like to thank those who stay on refreshing topics and keep this site as a learning tool.
Big Business
You can't go wrong with any Capelle book.
I found some of Phil Capelle's books useful as sort of an encyclopedia of pool knowledge. He shows well how hitting the cueball in different places on different shots will effect the path. I enjoyed "Play Your Best 8 Ball" and "Play Your Best 9 Ball".
ALL of Phil's books are great.
Roger Long
Agree, definitely a good series of books, lot of good information and well presented.
I find Phil's books to be very informative and easy to understand.
Play Your Best 8 Ball is awesome! I swear by it. Play Your Best Pool also has a big section on 8 ball that I love as well! Both books courtesy of Phil Capelle.
Instructional: One of the Play Your Best series by Phil Capelle.
Anything written by Phil Capelle.
All the 'Play your Best' books are great.
Phil Capelle's series of books are well diagrammed and easy to read and understand. Excellent for beginners.
i have the practicing pool, a mind for pool, and play your best 9 ball. they have all offered something useful to me.
The Capelle books are great for general all around information depending on your level.
I voted for Capelle's Practicing Pool because it is my favorite of the ones you listed. But my favorite overall is "Play Your Best Pool." I am just learning the game and love his books.
They are all excellent and well worth taking the time to read.
David “Blackjack” Sapolis
I've read them all except the straight pool one and I really love them. I feel like I got most out of the 8 ball one probably due to the requirement for strategy knowledge in that game vs 9 ball.
All books from Capelle and G. Fels are highly recommended.
All of Capelle stuff is good.
The Book
Anything by capelle is gold.
Anything by Capelle is worth having.
Capelle’s books are good: Practicing Pool Book, Play Your Best Pool, Play Your Best 9 Ball.
And ...
However, I would suggest you look into: Play your best pool and Play your best 9-ball both by Capelle. Both are excellent.
Play your best 9 ball by capelle is great especially when used and read in conjunction with his practicing pool and a mind for pool.
Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" and "Practicing Pool" (Capelle also has other game-specific books, i.e. "Play Your Best Eight Ball", "Play Your Best Straight Pool" etc.. all of them are quite good.)
Secaucus Fats
I second that nomination for all of Capelle's Books !!!!
Anything by Robert Byrne and Phil Capelle.
From Capelle I can highly recommend *Practicing Pool* and *Play your best straight-pool* absolutely *must-have* lecture.
And ...
There are many really good books available- But for 8-Ball and 9-Ball just look for the books from Capelle and G. Fels about 8 and 9 Ball- both authors are must-haves in my opinion.
It helped a lot to read specific 9 ball and 8 ball books by phil capelle. they helped me to get into the right mindset for each game. 8 ball and 9 ball are completely different and if you don't know the correct way to play both than you will be only in that 1 games mindset.
Phil Capelle's books are also very well written.
Best pool books
Any book by Phil Capelle ! i highly recommend his book on 14.1 but good luck finding it!
I have read "Play your best 8 ball" and "Play your best 9 ball" by Phil capelle and LOVED them. Any suggestions as to what I might read next? I was looking at the Phil Capelle practicing pool....
Phil Capelle’s books are excellent. I have them all except for the straight pool book and have gone through them more than once. The practice manual you are referring to is very good. The first part of the book is all about mechanics.
I have found all of the Phil Capelle books very helpful. (Play Your Best Pool, Play Your Best 9 ball, etc).
Anything by Phil Capelle will greatly help your game. He lays everything out in a very easy to understand manner...He probably simplifies teaching better than any other pool book author I've ever seen.
If you want to do yourself a favor play real good pool, look for Phil Capelle books for practice and a mind for pool was also suggested earlier. There's no nonsense in there, no magic tricks, no easy formulas other than hard (really hard) honest work on the real things that matter.
I own the Capelle 8 ball book and happen to be re-reading it this week. It is very, very helpful. I also own Play your best 9 Ball, Play Your Best Straight Pool and Play Your Best Pool. All of them worth reading, although I suppose if you have the first three (or two) you don't really need Play Your Best Pool.
I have and have read all of Phil's books and think all are excellent with the exception of A Mind For Pool, which I'd only rate as good. I've also read 20 other pool books, so I have a lot to compare it to. It (Play Your Best 8 Ball) has a very thorough, though of course not exhaustive, coverage of all important areas in the game, with numerous clear diagrams to assist in understanding. Phil writes with clarity and though there are others out there who also have excellent books, you cannot go wrong with any of the Play Your Best ... books.
John Biddle
I like the Phil Capelle books. They're easy to read and easy to follow.
Anything by Capelle is bound to be good, I'm just not sure exactly which ones I have at home.
To the best of my knowledge, Phil Capelle's "Play your best" series are the most comprehensive how to books regarding pool on the market.
Cameron Smith
I have several of Phil Capelle's books, and I would highly recommend every one of them.
I am in the same boat as blueridge on this one. I have improved my game after each one of his books I have read. I also like the little quotes
he puts in the books in different places.
All of his books are great. The problem is having the time, discipline and ability to remember or do everything.
The Book
I concur with the majority opinion here. All of the books in the Play Your Best series are excellent, with his PYB 9 Ball being no exception. His diagrams are the best out there and he treats most subject areas with a comprehensiveness that other books lack. Highly recommended.
John Biddle
I liked it a lot as with most of his books. After you look at the diagram close your eyes and envision where you have to hit the cue ball and at what speed to pull the shot off.
I agree with Travis that the Phil Capelle books are great. Start with Play Your Best Pool, and then check out his 8 ball, 9 ball and straight pool books. Bear in mind that the 8 ball book is focused more on playing on bar tables, though.
And ...
I'm reading it now, and am enjoying it. I'm a relative newbie to serious pool, though. I also have his PYB Pool, PYB Straight Pool and PYB 8 Ball. All of them are worth reading, in my humble opinion.
anything Phil Capelle does is pretty good
Yeah, I found his books, Play Your Best Pool, and How to Master the Mental Game, to be quite helpful.
For my part, when I first picked up Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool," I couldn't put it down and must have read it back and forth a few times. Same goes for his book on 9 ball ... and a handful of other ones.
Travis Bickle
You really can't go wrong with any of the Capelle books. They're the best written, easiest to
follow instructional books for pool.
Phil Capelle's stuff is very detailed and on point.
I like just about everything phil capelle has written. they're drills and examples of how great players have gotten out of tough racks. Interesting statistics. like according to accu-stats the guy who breaks loses 60% of the time. i think i read that in one of his books. pool player
I grabbed several of Capelle's books on his word and they are a treasure trove of information and will be buying several more before its over.
You can't go wrong with any of Phil Capelle's books
I have all the capelle books and 'play your best pool' has only part of the stuff in the 9-ball and 8-ball books. it's a good book if you want a
good overview of all the games and pool in general, but get the specific game books too if you really want to go deeper in a particular
He packs a lot into his books. I own his "Play your best eight ball" and "A mind for pool". I reference them both frequently.
In my opinion Capelle's books are the best general instructional books out there. Byrne's are good but they are mostly a catalog of shots. Capelle goes into interesting detail about all aspects of the game, gives solid advice, and is an entertaining read for a pool nut. His sections on fundamentals, which I believe are in all of his books, are the most complete I've seen on the topic.
I liked Capelle's books. I've read PYB Pool, PYB 9-Ball, A mind for Pool, and Capelle on 9-Ball-Archer vs. Reyes. The 9 ball book is well worth it. I used to read it at lunch every day or in the can. I found that just randomly opening it up and studying a few shots here and there really added to my knowledge. Good 9-ball is about repeating patterns over and over. You first have to be aware of those patterns. This book certainly outlines a great number of standard position routes, safes, etc. Definitely worth it. Also, the Archer vs. Reyes match is fantastic. I
really haven't spent much time with the accompanying book or with the commentary section, I just like watching the match over and over.
The most thorough and detailed insight into the particular game one can get with the help of 'Play Your Best' series by Phil Capelle. I've got these on 8-Ball, 9-Ball and Straight Pool, the latter being just the best book on 14.1.
Also Phil Capelle's 8 ball or 9 ball books cover a lot of information.
Phil Capelle's books are good on giving examples of layouts and patterns
Easiest way to improve FAST is watch Pat Fleming's Accu Stat tapes. Watch the worlds best, copy them, remember their patterns. Also I
recommend Phil Capelle's excellent book series...Play your best 9 ball...mind for pool. If you truly want to learn & improve then there is no better way.
Varney Cues
The problem I find with his books is it is very easy to overlook stuff and take some of it for granted. After reading a few times I will read
something and then realize that the problem I was having was answered in the book but I never noticed it or applied it.
Phil Capelle's books are the best, but my favorite is Ewa Mataya Laurance's "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pool & Billiards".
I have PYB Nine Ball and PYB Straight Pool, and I can say with confidence that both these books are chock full of "the knowledge" that an
intermediate player and even many advanced players can use to take them to the next level.
AND ...
Believe me when I tell you that Capelle's books on the individual games have tons of information that you won't find in PYB Pool. They are definitely worthy (I would say essential) additions to any pool library.
I would also add All of Phil Capelle's Books: Play Your Best 9-ball, The Mind Game, Play Your Best 8-ball, Play your best Straight pool, Capelle's practicing pool.
dave fingers
Both books by Phil Capelle are great.
A couple of the classic instructional books, Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle and Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards by Robert Byrnes, have sections on practice and drills.
All 3 of Capelle's books that I have on 8-ball, 9-ball and Straight Pool are excellent. I've learned a lot from all three books.
Having read and collected nearly all the major published instructional books over the 25 years that I have played, I have learned to love the Phil Capelle books. His books are the most the in-depth that I have seen for instruction and analysis. Start with his Play Your Best Pool. Then proceed to get his 8 ball& 9 ball books. If you play straight pool at all, you have no choice but to get his straight pool book as well. Now, if he would only put together a book on 1 pocket!!!
I think I'm going to order Capelle's book on 14.1. I have a few of his others and I find them very informative.
Actually I recommend Phil Capelle's books... he has a few misspellings and typos here and there, but packed full of useful info....
That said, I don't think you can go wrong with any book written by Phil Capelle whose title starts out "Play Your Best..." He'll give you a really good handle on what you need to do to play to your potential. I believe there's one for pool in general, 9-ball, 8-ball, and straight pool.
Andrew Manning
I've got Martin's 99 Shots book, and two of Phil Capelle's books... Play Your Best Pool... and Play Your Best 9-Ball. IMO, there's no comparison to the amount of information contained in Ray's book vs. Phil's books... Phil's books have an order of magnitude more information than Ray's 99 Shots book. If you tend to be more of a beginner, I'd start with Phil's Play Your Best Pool. If you're a bit more accomplished and focusing only on 9-ball right now, go directly to Phil's Play Your Best 9-Ball. Regarding banking information, I recall some in Phil's general book... and none in his 9-Ball book. BTW, I'm not saying don't get Ray's book... I'm just saying that I believe that you'll get more for your money with Phil's books.
"Play your best straight pool" by Phillip Capelle has a lot of knowledge. He has books on 9 ball and 8 ball that are superb.
All of these are necessary area's of mastery - the value of the book depends on whether you already know this material. I thought the book was very good, but it is nowhere near as comprehensive as the Capelle books on 14.1, 9-ball, and 8-ball. Now, if Capelle would just come out with a one-pocket book, we could all avoid having to search for a $400 Eddie Robin book.
And ...
While Willie was my favorite player of all-time, his little instruction book is pathetic in comparison to the works of Capelle.
Pool Self-Help Books, Suggestion Needed....
All of Phil Capelle's books.
AND ...
As for books, get Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" and, if you plan to learn nine ball, also get Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Nine
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle is a good one. A Mind For Pool by Phil Capelle is better, IMO!
Zim Rack
Capelle's books "Play your best (pool, 9 ball, 14.1) are very good.
Capelle's stuff is good.
What should be the next pool book I purchase?
I recommend all of Capelle's books, Dr. Dave's book and DVDs, and Pleasure of Small Motions.
Donny Lutz
I found Byrne's Standard and Capelle's Play Your Best Pool to be the most thorough with all the basics. Capelle goes into a little more detail, but that might be because he didn't split his book between pool and 3-cushion billiards...(?). But I'd say they're both very good books, no doubt about it. Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a must for anyone that really loves that particular game. Fels Advanced Pool is also good, although it's mostly on Straight Pool. A Mind for Pool (another by Capelle) is a great book on the mental aspect to the game... VitalSigns81
Getting started with 14.1
Here are the titles of two books that were very useful to me. Hope they will help you. Play Your Best Pool by Philip B. Capelle (Oct 2005) (and PYBSP).
Roger Chambers
Can I get some book recommendations?
Any of Phil Capelle or Robert Byrnes libraries of books.
I also highly recommend Phil Capelle's books on nine-ball. The first, Play Your Best Nine-Ball, has a tremendous section on pattern play and the second, in which he analyzes a great match between Johnny Archer and Efren Reyes has an accompanying DVD of the match. Between these two books and the DVD, you will get a veritable treasure trove of information to work with.
If you are ordering things- I would order all of the Phil Capelle books. I would def. buy those before I bought a pool glove, or gimcrack.
Any of Capelle's books are great for strategy. They are not about how to use a pool cue properly but about learning how to play the game(s).
Below is a list of pool players who have commented on my books. I apologize for any of you I might have missed. I made minor corrections to spelling mistakes, including my
14-1StraightMan- 1hit1der - 211Dave - 9BallJim
Aaron_S - accustatsfan - acedotcom - acousticsguru - AimingVoodoo - akaTrigger - Andrew Manning - Asmith7
baboon –Bamboo - Barioni Cues - BAZARUS – BigAl - Big Business - Bigdogbret -Bigkahuna - Big_H515- Billy_Bob - BillYards - Black-Balled – bluepepper - blueridge - Bluey2King -Bob Jewett – briankenobi - BRKNRUN - - brokenarrowjbe - bud
Calgaryplayer - Cameron Smith - catscradle - Center Pocket –cheffjeff - christopheradam– cigardave - cmsmith9 –CreeDo – Crosseyed -
ctyhntr - Cue4fun - Cuedog Cuemaker03 - Curt - custmqs
dafunkdawg – Dale (pdcue) - danquixote -Dardusm - dave fingers - David Beck - David “Blackjack” Sapolis – DavidMNienow - DelaWho??? - Dennis Walsh Dmgwalsh – Devindra - dgem - DJKeys - DogsPlayingPool – Donny Lutz – Donovan - dontdogit - drivermaker - duckie
F8it -Frank_Glenn - Flettir - fxskater
GoeEnvi - George Fels – Gerry - Gforces1911 - Gregg -Greyghost – Guapo - gunzby
Henho - Homepc - Horton129
I210mfu -Icon of Sin - iusedtoberich
JAM - Jay Helfert - jhendri2 – Jimmyc – Joey Aguzin (FB) - JoeyinCali - John Biddle -Johnnyt - Johnny “V” - jondrums - jrt30004 - Jude Rosenstock - JusticeNJ
Kaznj –Kevin – Klockdoc – Klopek – KMRUNOUT - Kyzyl
LApoolbum - LC3 – ledrums - lewdo26 – LightsOut - Liz Ford - Luv1pocket – Luxury
McKinneyMiner – Majic – Maniac - master9baller – Matcase – mattman - md5key - Measle Ball – Metallicane - Michael Fedak - mjantti - mnorwood - mosconiac
NaClBandit - Nature Boy - Neil
Okinawa77 -On the Run - OneArmed
PKM - pmata814– Poolfoole – poolhustler - poolguy123 – poolplayer -poolplayer2093 –
PoolSharkAllen – Poolsnark - predator - Predator5K4 – Purpdrag - Pushout
Qexpert_101- Quesports
RackemBilliards - Ratta – rrich1 - Roadking – Robert Martin -rogelioii -Roger Long - Room101 - Rolloff – Ron scuba - RWOJO
Samiel –Sandfoot – Scaramouche - Scottjen26 - Secaucus Fats - ShaneT58 -Shooter77 - sicbinature- Side Pocket Kid – Siz – SJM –
Smoknum - Snake Plisken - Sore_Aintya – SoundWaves -SPINDOKTOR – SplicedPoints - Splinterhands –SPRINGFIELDFATS - Stevekur1 - Steve Lipsky – StraightPoolIU – StudntofHmanMvs - Supergreenman
Takumi4G63 –TATE - terhje -The420trooper - TheBook - thejeffcho - The Kiss - The Man – ThePoliteSniper – TimKrazyMon - tjlmbklr – tobyjoe - Tommy D. -topcat1953 - Travis Bickle - TSW - TX Poolnut
Vahmurka - vapoolplayer - Varney Cue – VIProfessor - VitalSigns81
Wally in Cincy – wigglybridge – Williebetmore – Wolven - woody_968
Zims Rack
Multiple Book Endorsements
What Phil had was a clear understanding of the nuances of the game and was able to articulate that in book form. And he is a good enough pool player to know that of which he speaks. Thanks to his excellent books on Pool, Phil has acquired widespread respect in the industry, far beyond the respect he earned previously as a "shortstop" pool player. (Author’s note: a “shortstop” is an A- to A player by most measures. Pros are A++.) Good for him is all I have to say. He is yet another example of a poolplayer that found his niche in the industry, without having to rely solely on making balls.
Jay Helfert
Another sound advice is, read a book. Phil Capelle writes great, easy to read books that get right to the point of whatever problem you are looking for. Books are a lot cheaper then getting lessons, though not quite as personal to your needs/faults that a good teacher with a video recorder can provide.
Like his other works I think Capelle's latest book is outstanding. I have found his books to be some of the greatest how to guides that I have ever read concerning any topic. have talked to some pros who I will not name that try to discredit Capelle and Bob Byrne. Their argument
is that these guys were never great players so they do not really know what they are talking about. My response to that is if any great pro writes a book that is as good as Capelle's and Byrne's then I will buy it. But that's just it, not many pros have written books or are willing to share the wealth of pool knowledge. Until the pros write a great book I will stick with Capelle.
Phil Capelle is the author of the Play Your Best Pool books series (Pool, 8ball, 9ball, Straight Pool) and plethora of other books (mental,
practicing, trick shots) and learning DVDs. My knowledge of pool in general, certain shots and positions, and especially 8ball has exponentially improved because of the information he shares in his books and DVDs. Because of him, I am VERY thankful!
Melinda Bailey
I've never seen Capelle play but his books are very detailed and thorough. Definitely worth the money. How many lessons would you have to take to get all the knowledge he puts into his books? Cost a hell of a lot more than 25 bucks, too.
bud green
I think Capelle puts out some great material.
I just wanted to thank a bunch of you who recommended some of Phil Capelle’s books to me. I thought I knew a lot before but it just shows that in order to get better you need to be able to receive info and use it with confidence that what the experts know may help. Anyway I would like to thank those who stay on refreshing topics and keep this site as a learning tool.
Big Business
You can't go wrong with any Capelle book.
I found some of Phil Capelle's books useful as sort of an encyclopedia of pool knowledge. He shows well how hitting the cueball in different places on different shots will effect the path. I enjoyed "Play Your Best 8 Ball" and "Play Your Best 9 Ball".
ALL of Phil's books are great.
Roger Long
Agree, definitely a good series of books, lot of good information and well presented.
I find Phil's books to be very informative and easy to understand.
Play Your Best 8 Ball is awesome! I swear by it. Play Your Best Pool also has a big section on 8 ball that I love as well! Both books courtesy of Phil Capelle.
Instructional: One of the Play Your Best series by Phil Capelle.
Anything written by Phil Capelle.
All the 'Play your Best' books are great.
Phil Capelle's series of books are well diagrammed and easy to read and understand. Excellent for beginners.
i have the practicing pool, a mind for pool, and play your best 9 ball. they have all offered something useful to me.
The Capelle books are great for general all around information depending on your level.
I voted for Capelle's Practicing Pool because it is my favorite of the ones you listed. But my favorite overall is "Play Your Best Pool." I am just learning the game and love his books.
They are all excellent and well worth taking the time to read.
David “Blackjack” Sapolis
I've read them all except the straight pool one and I really love them. I feel like I got most out of the 8 ball one probably due to the requirement for strategy knowledge in that game vs 9 ball.
All books from Capelle and G. Fels are highly recommended.
All of Capelle stuff is good.
The Book
Anything by capelle is gold.
Anything by Capelle is worth having.
Capelle’s books are good: Practicing Pool Book, Play Your Best Pool, Play Your Best 9 Ball.
And ...
However, I would suggest you look into: Play your best pool and Play your best 9-ball both by Capelle. Both are excellent.
Play your best 9 ball by capelle is great especially when used and read in conjunction with his practicing pool and a mind for pool.
Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" and "Practicing Pool" (Capelle also has other game-specific books, i.e. "Play Your Best Eight Ball", "Play Your Best Straight Pool" etc.. all of them are quite good.)
Secaucus Fats
I second that nomination for all of Capelle's Books !!!!
Anything by Robert Byrne and Phil Capelle.
From Capelle I can highly recommend *Practicing Pool* and *Play your best straight-pool* absolutely *must-have* lecture.
And ...
There are many really good books available- But for 8-Ball and 9-Ball just look for the books from Capelle and G. Fels about 8 and 9 Ball- both authors are must-haves in my opinion.
It helped a lot to read specific 9 ball and 8 ball books by phil capelle. they helped me to get into the right mindset for each game. 8 ball and 9 ball are completely different and if you don't know the correct way to play both than you will be only in that 1 games mindset.
Phil Capelle's books are also very well written.
Best pool books
Any book by Phil Capelle ! i highly recommend his book on 14.1 but good luck finding it!
I have read "Play your best 8 ball" and "Play your best 9 ball" by Phil capelle and LOVED them. Any suggestions as to what I might read next? I was looking at the Phil Capelle practicing pool....
Phil Capelle’s books are excellent. I have them all except for the straight pool book and have gone through them more than once. The practice manual you are referring to is very good. The first part of the book is all about mechanics.
I have found all of the Phil Capelle books very helpful. (Play Your Best Pool, Play Your Best 9 ball, etc).
Anything by Phil Capelle will greatly help your game. He lays everything out in a very easy to understand manner...He probably simplifies teaching better than any other pool book author I've ever seen.
If you want to do yourself a favor play real good pool, look for Phil Capelle books for practice and a mind for pool was also suggested earlier. There's no nonsense in there, no magic tricks, no easy formulas other than hard (really hard) honest work on the real things that matter.
I own the Capelle 8 ball book and happen to be re-reading it this week. It is very, very helpful. I also own Play your best 9 Ball, Play Your Best Straight Pool and Play Your Best Pool. All of them worth reading, although I suppose if you have the first three (or two) you don't really need Play Your Best Pool.
I have and have read all of Phil's books and think all are excellent with the exception of A Mind For Pool, which I'd only rate as good. I've also read 20 other pool books, so I have a lot to compare it to. It (Play Your Best 8 Ball) has a very thorough, though of course not exhaustive, coverage of all important areas in the game, with numerous clear diagrams to assist in understanding. Phil writes with clarity and though there are others out there who also have excellent books, you cannot go wrong with any of the Play Your Best ... books.
John Biddle
I like the Phil Capelle books. They're easy to read and easy to follow.
Anything by Capelle is bound to be good, I'm just not sure exactly which ones I have at home.
To the best of my knowledge, Phil Capelle's "Play your best" series are the most comprehensive how to books regarding pool on the market.
Cameron Smith
I have several of Phil Capelle's books, and I would highly recommend every one of them.
I am in the same boat as blueridge on this one. I have improved my game after each one of his books I have read. I also like the little quotes
he puts in the books in different places.
All of his books are great. The problem is having the time, discipline and ability to remember or do everything.
The Book
I concur with the majority opinion here. All of the books in the Play Your Best series are excellent, with his PYB 9 Ball being no exception. His diagrams are the best out there and he treats most subject areas with a comprehensiveness that other books lack. Highly recommended.
John Biddle
I liked it a lot as with most of his books. After you look at the diagram close your eyes and envision where you have to hit the cue ball and at what speed to pull the shot off.
I agree with Travis that the Phil Capelle books are great. Start with Play Your Best Pool, and then check out his 8 ball, 9 ball and straight pool books. Bear in mind that the 8 ball book is focused more on playing on bar tables, though.
And ...
I'm reading it now, and am enjoying it. I'm a relative newbie to serious pool, though. I also have his PYB Pool, PYB Straight Pool and PYB 8 Ball. All of them are worth reading, in my humble opinion.
anything Phil Capelle does is pretty good
Yeah, I found his books, Play Your Best Pool, and How to Master the Mental Game, to be quite helpful.
For my part, when I first picked up Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool," I couldn't put it down and must have read it back and forth a few times. Same goes for his book on 9 ball ... and a handful of other ones.
Travis Bickle
You really can't go wrong with any of the Capelle books. They're the best written, easiest to
follow instructional books for pool.
Phil Capelle's stuff is very detailed and on point.
I like just about everything phil capelle has written. they're drills and examples of how great players have gotten out of tough racks. Interesting statistics. like according to accu-stats the guy who breaks loses 60% of the time. i think i read that in one of his books. pool player
I grabbed several of Capelle's books on his word and they are a treasure trove of information and will be buying several more before its over.
You can't go wrong with any of Phil Capelle's books
I have all the capelle books and 'play your best pool' has only part of the stuff in the 9-ball and 8-ball books. it's a good book if you want a
good overview of all the games and pool in general, but get the specific game books too if you really want to go deeper in a particular
He packs a lot into his books. I own his "Play your best eight ball" and "A mind for pool". I reference them both frequently.
In my opinion Capelle's books are the best general instructional books out there. Byrne's are good but they are mostly a catalog of shots. Capelle goes into interesting detail about all aspects of the game, gives solid advice, and is an entertaining read for a pool nut. His sections on fundamentals, which I believe are in all of his books, are the most complete I've seen on the topic.
I liked Capelle's books. I've read PYB Pool, PYB 9-Ball, A mind for Pool, and Capelle on 9-Ball-Archer vs. Reyes. The 9 ball book is well worth it. I used to read it at lunch every day or in the can. I found that just randomly opening it up and studying a few shots here and there really added to my knowledge. Good 9-ball is about repeating patterns over and over. You first have to be aware of those patterns. This book certainly outlines a great number of standard position routes, safes, etc. Definitely worth it. Also, the Archer vs. Reyes match is fantastic. I
really haven't spent much time with the accompanying book or with the commentary section, I just like watching the match over and over.
The most thorough and detailed insight into the particular game one can get with the help of 'Play Your Best' series by Phil Capelle. I've got these on 8-Ball, 9-Ball and Straight Pool, the latter being just the best book on 14.1.
Also Phil Capelle's 8 ball or 9 ball books cover a lot of information.
Phil Capelle's books are good on giving examples of layouts and patterns
Easiest way to improve FAST is watch Pat Fleming's Accu Stat tapes. Watch the worlds best, copy them, remember their patterns. Also I
recommend Phil Capelle's excellent book series...Play your best 9 ball...mind for pool. If you truly want to learn & improve then there is no better way.
Varney Cues
The problem I find with his books is it is very easy to overlook stuff and take some of it for granted. After reading a few times I will read
something and then realize that the problem I was having was answered in the book but I never noticed it or applied it.
Phil Capelle's books are the best, but my favorite is Ewa Mataya Laurance's "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pool & Billiards".
I have PYB Nine Ball and PYB Straight Pool, and I can say with confidence that both these books are chock full of "the knowledge" that an
intermediate player and even many advanced players can use to take them to the next level.
AND ...
Believe me when I tell you that Capelle's books on the individual games have tons of information that you won't find in PYB Pool. They are definitely worthy (I would say essential) additions to any pool library.
I would also add All of Phil Capelle's Books: Play Your Best 9-ball, The Mind Game, Play Your Best 8-ball, Play your best Straight pool, Capelle's practicing pool.
dave fingers
Both books by Phil Capelle are great.
A couple of the classic instructional books, Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle and Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards by Robert Byrnes, have sections on practice and drills.
All 3 of Capelle's books that I have on 8-ball, 9-ball and Straight Pool are excellent. I've learned a lot from all three books.
Having read and collected nearly all the major published instructional books over the 25 years that I have played, I have learned to love the Phil Capelle books. His books are the most the in-depth that I have seen for instruction and analysis. Start with his Play Your Best Pool. Then proceed to get his 8 ball& 9 ball books. If you play straight pool at all, you have no choice but to get his straight pool book as well. Now, if he would only put together a book on 1 pocket!!!
I think I'm going to order Capelle's book on 14.1. I have a few of his others and I find them very informative.
Actually I recommend Phil Capelle's books... he has a few misspellings and typos here and there, but packed full of useful info....
That said, I don't think you can go wrong with any book written by Phil Capelle whose title starts out "Play Your Best..." He'll give you a really good handle on what you need to do to play to your potential. I believe there's one for pool in general, 9-ball, 8-ball, and straight pool.
Andrew Manning
I've got Martin's 99 Shots book, and two of Phil Capelle's books... Play Your Best Pool... and Play Your Best 9-Ball. IMO, there's no comparison to the amount of information contained in Ray's book vs. Phil's books... Phil's books have an order of magnitude more information than Ray's 99 Shots book. If you tend to be more of a beginner, I'd start with Phil's Play Your Best Pool. If you're a bit more accomplished and focusing only on 9-ball right now, go directly to Phil's Play Your Best 9-Ball. Regarding banking information, I recall some in Phil's general book... and none in his 9-Ball book. BTW, I'm not saying don't get Ray's book... I'm just saying that I believe that you'll get more for your money with Phil's books.
"Play your best straight pool" by Phillip Capelle has a lot of knowledge. He has books on 9 ball and 8 ball that are superb.
All of these are necessary area's of mastery - the value of the book depends on whether you already know this material. I thought the book was very good, but it is nowhere near as comprehensive as the Capelle books on 14.1, 9-ball, and 8-ball. Now, if Capelle would just come out with a one-pocket book, we could all avoid having to search for a $400 Eddie Robin book.
And ...
While Willie was my favorite player of all-time, his little instruction book is pathetic in comparison to the works of Capelle.
Pool Self-Help Books, Suggestion Needed....
All of Phil Capelle's books.
AND ...
As for books, get Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" and, if you plan to learn nine ball, also get Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Nine
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle is a good one. A Mind For Pool by Phil Capelle is better, IMO!
Zim Rack
Capelle's books "Play your best (pool, 9 ball, 14.1) are very good.
Capelle's stuff is good.
What should be the next pool book I purchase?
I recommend all of Capelle's books, Dr. Dave's book and DVDs, and Pleasure of Small Motions.
Donny Lutz
I found Byrne's Standard and Capelle's Play Your Best Pool to be the most thorough with all the basics. Capelle goes into a little more detail, but that might be because he didn't split his book between pool and 3-cushion billiards...(?). But I'd say they're both very good books, no doubt about it. Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a must for anyone that really loves that particular game. Fels Advanced Pool is also good, although it's mostly on Straight Pool. A Mind for Pool (another by Capelle) is a great book on the mental aspect to the game... VitalSigns81
Getting started with 14.1
Here are the titles of two books that were very useful to me. Hope they will help you. Play Your Best Pool by Philip B. Capelle (Oct 2005) (and PYBSP).
Roger Chambers
Can I get some book recommendations?
Any of Phil Capelle or Robert Byrnes libraries of books.
I also highly recommend Phil Capelle's books on nine-ball. The first, Play Your Best Nine-Ball, has a tremendous section on pattern play and the second, in which he analyzes a great match between Johnny Archer and Efren Reyes has an accompanying DVD of the match. Between these two books and the DVD, you will get a veritable treasure trove of information to work with.
If you are ordering things- I would order all of the Phil Capelle books. I would def. buy those before I bought a pool glove, or gimcrack.
Any of Capelle's books are great for strategy. They are not about how to use a pool cue properly but about learning how to play the game(s).
Play Your Best Pool

Play Your Best Pool and Play Your Best 8 Ball I highly recommend (both by Phil Capelle). The Play Your Best Pool has both 8ball, 9ball, and mental help in one large book with lots of diagrams. I can say without a doubt my 8ball game is as good as it is because of that book!Melinda Bailey (akatrigger)
Play Your Best is one of the must have books on pool period. I have lots of books and go back to this one for information all the time. Buy it you will not regret it.
Ditto on that (Quesports), you really cant go wrong with that choice.
I just skimmed it again while on the flight to Vegas. It's diagrammed in a way that once you have read it you can flip through the pages every so often and when a certain shot pops up in a game you will be more likely to see it.
The drills I'll be doing for now will be from Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool.
One of the gems that I gleaned from one of Phil Capelle's books (Play Your Best Pool)...The best players pay attention to detail on every
AND ...
Also, buy the book "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle. It will also speed up your learning process now that you've got the bug.
I think Phil Capelle's how to play your best pool is an instant classic and probably the best place to start for most players.
I have several books on pool & enjoy reading all of them. My favorite is probably Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle. I believe it explains pool in a simple way that anyone can understand. This book covers just about everything most pool players should know, & great illustration
AND ...
A good fundamental book is Phil Capelle’s Play Your Best Pool.
Best book?
Favorite: "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle.
Phil Capelle Play your best pool- my favorite author for pool instruction. He writes in such understandable terms.
Although there are many great books to improve your pool game, the two I found that are the most complete (and also very well written) are; 1) Phil Capelle's- Play Your Best Pool 2) Robert Byrne's - New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards.
Snake Plisken
I own this book and rate it A+ , and I have never seen his other books. "Play Your Best Pool " is my first pool book !! I have it bronzed.....j/k
I am a beginner, so I don't know if you'd be interested in my opinion, but I have found the books "Play Your Best Pool" by Phill Capelle and "99 Critical Shots of Pool" by Ray Martin to be extremely helpful. Neither of them focus solely on english of course but they do cover the subject. Capelle's book has a section dedicated specifically to position routes and another on fine points of position. Both are excellent books.
Phil Capelle’s play your best pool has lots of drills to have you get the feel for your stoke and cue and much more information like stoke keys to keep you focused and such
Capelle's Play Your Best Pool is what I am currently working with.
Phil Capelle is probably the best instructional writer I have found so far. PYBP is an excellent book.
Pick up a good book such as Phil Capelle's "Play your best Pool". Then pick either the shotmaking or position play or safety chapter and practice 3 pages a day out of that chapter. At the very least you will be polishing off skills that you already have. Remember pros have a mastery level over all skills, that's why they are pros.
Center Pocket
What are the best instructional books you would recommend?
Another vote for Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle, I've read a bunch and its the best imo.
The Man
I like Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool.
I have read many of them and I find Phil Capelle's book, Play your Best Pool, to be extremely helpful in a lot of areas.
I have the book (PYBP), and it is a fantastic book if you have the desire to learn from a book.
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle is another good read, most notably the parts on strategy.
David Beck
Getting re-started
First: Go To a good instructor. Second: Buy Play Your Best Pool - Phil Capelle.
There is literally a wealth of knowledge in pool books. I personally like Phil Capelle's. Practice every shot and every layout you see in Play Your Best Pool and practice them to efficiency... and you'll be well on your way.
I strongly recommend Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle as an excellent instructional book.
Play your best pool by Capelle has lots of excellent info. Byrne has a likeable style that makes reading it more fun. Those are my favorites. Both will make you a better player.
New Pool Player survey... your game.
5. Have you ever read a book to help you improve your game and has it helped? -> Play Your Best Pool by Philip B. Capelle, got me from a C player to A player
I've been playing about six months now, and Capelle's Play Your Best Pool has been a great aid for me. I highly recommend it!
It covers a lot of things that are so basic that seasoned players would easily forget. I have it, it was my first book (I have a small library
now, like most players) and I am better off for it. BTW, whatever positive things you hear about Phil Capelle, believe it!
Lessons right now probably will not be good before Nationals, but what I do before Nationals is read about 8-ball before I go. I played league this year, so I played 8-ball many nights, but I normally don't play league and am strictly a competitive 9-ball player and practice 10-ball. So, I would read an 8-ball book to refresh on 8-ball strategies before Nationals. This never hurt my game. As a matter of fact, the first year I did this (in 2001), I read Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool (he has a GREAT 8-ball section in it), and I finished 25th in the women's open (way higher for me than any other year). The very next year I did the same thing - read his section again on 8-ball, and I placed 9th and became a Master player. I read it as again as a good refresher the following year (since I still didn't play league and 8-ball wasn't fresh on my mind) and placed in the money in the Masters division (even though I was intimidated my first time in the Masters).So, this long story is to say that if you're thinking about not taking lessons, reading about 8-ball before Nationals shouldn't hurt - it really works for me.
how i got out of the slump: Go over fundamentals! I read capelle's chapter on fundamentals OVER AND OVER everyday.
Pool Self-Help Books, Suggestion Needed....
play your best pool by phil capelle in my opinion is one of the best i have read. it covers a little of everything from beginner to advanced
If I had to choose a single book to recommend to somebody without knowledge of their level of play or interest it would be Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool", but an extraordinarily close second would be Byrne's Vol 1.
I like Capelle's stuff and have the book (PYBP)
There are several excellent DVD's and books that cover proper fundamentals. I like the Phil Capelle books - Play your best pool is very good.
Buy the book "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil has a glossary that'll cover everything for you...and help your game.
Varney Cues
Teaching a beginner
See Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool". I can't think of a better guide.
Jude Rosenstock
More comments
You are an observant fellow. Like your book, "Play your best pool".
Joey Aguzin (from FB post)
My previous favorite was Byrne's "New Standard Book of Pool", but I also got Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" on a friend's recommendation and that is my new favorite. Takes it to the next level particularly on 8-ball and 9-ball strategy.
Play your best Pool by Phil Capelle
Play your best Pool by Phil Capelle and The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards by David G. Alciatore Are my 2 favorites.
I'd call these the three best books on pool:Mastering Pool by George Fels The Byrne Standard Book by Robert Byrne
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle
Bryne's books. Capelle's books. You don't need to get 20 books. If you get the books by these two you should cover just about everything. You will not be able to learn and practice everything in these books in your life time.
The other thing that helped was Phil Capelle's book where he visibly displayed the position zones. It really helped crystallize the non-uniform shape of the zone and illustrated the narrow vs wide concept as well as the coming down the line concept. That and the other 20 options he listed as considerations and tradeoffs really sunk the point home.
Play Your Best is one of the must have books on pool period. I have lots of books and go back to this one for information all the time. Buy it you will not regret it.
Ditto on that (Quesports), you really cant go wrong with that choice.
I just skimmed it again while on the flight to Vegas. It's diagrammed in a way that once you have read it you can flip through the pages every so often and when a certain shot pops up in a game you will be more likely to see it.
The drills I'll be doing for now will be from Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool.
One of the gems that I gleaned from one of Phil Capelle's books (Play Your Best Pool)...The best players pay attention to detail on every
AND ...
Also, buy the book "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle. It will also speed up your learning process now that you've got the bug.
I think Phil Capelle's how to play your best pool is an instant classic and probably the best place to start for most players.
I have several books on pool & enjoy reading all of them. My favorite is probably Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle. I believe it explains pool in a simple way that anyone can understand. This book covers just about everything most pool players should know, & great illustration
AND ...
A good fundamental book is Phil Capelle’s Play Your Best Pool.
Best book?
Favorite: "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle.
Phil Capelle Play your best pool- my favorite author for pool instruction. He writes in such understandable terms.
Although there are many great books to improve your pool game, the two I found that are the most complete (and also very well written) are; 1) Phil Capelle's- Play Your Best Pool 2) Robert Byrne's - New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards.
Snake Plisken
I own this book and rate it A+ , and I have never seen his other books. "Play Your Best Pool " is my first pool book !! I have it bronzed.....j/k
I am a beginner, so I don't know if you'd be interested in my opinion, but I have found the books "Play Your Best Pool" by Phill Capelle and "99 Critical Shots of Pool" by Ray Martin to be extremely helpful. Neither of them focus solely on english of course but they do cover the subject. Capelle's book has a section dedicated specifically to position routes and another on fine points of position. Both are excellent books.
Phil Capelle’s play your best pool has lots of drills to have you get the feel for your stoke and cue and much more information like stoke keys to keep you focused and such
Capelle's Play Your Best Pool is what I am currently working with.
Phil Capelle is probably the best instructional writer I have found so far. PYBP is an excellent book.
Pick up a good book such as Phil Capelle's "Play your best Pool". Then pick either the shotmaking or position play or safety chapter and practice 3 pages a day out of that chapter. At the very least you will be polishing off skills that you already have. Remember pros have a mastery level over all skills, that's why they are pros.
Center Pocket
What are the best instructional books you would recommend?
Another vote for Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle, I've read a bunch and its the best imo.
The Man
I like Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool.
I have read many of them and I find Phil Capelle's book, Play your Best Pool, to be extremely helpful in a lot of areas.
I have the book (PYBP), and it is a fantastic book if you have the desire to learn from a book.
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle is another good read, most notably the parts on strategy.
David Beck
Getting re-started
First: Go To a good instructor. Second: Buy Play Your Best Pool - Phil Capelle.
There is literally a wealth of knowledge in pool books. I personally like Phil Capelle's. Practice every shot and every layout you see in Play Your Best Pool and practice them to efficiency... and you'll be well on your way.
I strongly recommend Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle as an excellent instructional book.
Play your best pool by Capelle has lots of excellent info. Byrne has a likeable style that makes reading it more fun. Those are my favorites. Both will make you a better player.
New Pool Player survey... your game.
5. Have you ever read a book to help you improve your game and has it helped? -> Play Your Best Pool by Philip B. Capelle, got me from a C player to A player
I've been playing about six months now, and Capelle's Play Your Best Pool has been a great aid for me. I highly recommend it!
It covers a lot of things that are so basic that seasoned players would easily forget. I have it, it was my first book (I have a small library
now, like most players) and I am better off for it. BTW, whatever positive things you hear about Phil Capelle, believe it!
Lessons right now probably will not be good before Nationals, but what I do before Nationals is read about 8-ball before I go. I played league this year, so I played 8-ball many nights, but I normally don't play league and am strictly a competitive 9-ball player and practice 10-ball. So, I would read an 8-ball book to refresh on 8-ball strategies before Nationals. This never hurt my game. As a matter of fact, the first year I did this (in 2001), I read Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Pool (he has a GREAT 8-ball section in it), and I finished 25th in the women's open (way higher for me than any other year). The very next year I did the same thing - read his section again on 8-ball, and I placed 9th and became a Master player. I read it as again as a good refresher the following year (since I still didn't play league and 8-ball wasn't fresh on my mind) and placed in the money in the Masters division (even though I was intimidated my first time in the Masters).So, this long story is to say that if you're thinking about not taking lessons, reading about 8-ball before Nationals shouldn't hurt - it really works for me.
how i got out of the slump: Go over fundamentals! I read capelle's chapter on fundamentals OVER AND OVER everyday.
Pool Self-Help Books, Suggestion Needed....
play your best pool by phil capelle in my opinion is one of the best i have read. it covers a little of everything from beginner to advanced
If I had to choose a single book to recommend to somebody without knowledge of their level of play or interest it would be Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool", but an extraordinarily close second would be Byrne's Vol 1.
I like Capelle's stuff and have the book (PYBP)
There are several excellent DVD's and books that cover proper fundamentals. I like the Phil Capelle books - Play your best pool is very good.
Buy the book "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil has a glossary that'll cover everything for you...and help your game.
Varney Cues
Teaching a beginner
See Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool". I can't think of a better guide.
Jude Rosenstock
More comments
You are an observant fellow. Like your book, "Play your best pool".
Joey Aguzin (from FB post)
My previous favorite was Byrne's "New Standard Book of Pool", but I also got Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Pool" on a friend's recommendation and that is my new favorite. Takes it to the next level particularly on 8-ball and 9-ball strategy.
Play your best Pool by Phil Capelle
Play your best Pool by Phil Capelle and The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards by David G. Alciatore Are my 2 favorites.
I'd call these the three best books on pool:Mastering Pool by George Fels The Byrne Standard Book by Robert Byrne
Play Your Best Pool by Phil Capelle
Bryne's books. Capelle's books. You don't need to get 20 books. If you get the books by these two you should cover just about everything. You will not be able to learn and practice everything in these books in your life time.
The other thing that helped was Phil Capelle's book where he visibly displayed the position zones. It really helped crystallize the non-uniform shape of the zone and illustrated the narrow vs wide concept as well as the coming down the line concept. That and the other 20 options he listed as considerations and tradeoffs really sunk the point home.
Play Your Best Straight Pool

I got the 14.1 book by Capelle and am going through it slowly now. Lots of good info in there.
another thumbs up for Capelle's book.
TX Poolnut
In 14.1 I see the table as a puzzle and my job is to find the easiest way to solve that puzzle. Phil Capelle's book helped a lot.
The straight pool one is the only book I have by Mr. Capelle- I love it.
Measle Ball
Phil Capelle's Play your Best Straight Pool is a nice Encyclopedia of shots and strategies for 14.1.
AND ...
For 14.1 lovers, Phil Capelle's play your best straight pool is a must.
Dennis Walsh
There's so many out there now, It's almost impossible to keep up with them all. The ones that have meant the most to me.....Phil Capelle- Play your Best Straight pool (among the 3 books he mentioned)
Phil Capelle book on 14.1 is very good, I purchased this book a few years ago, and have read it numerous times...
I really suggest Phil Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool" if you are interested in the game, especially if there aren't a lot of straight pool players in your area.
If you already know the basics and beyond and are just looking to learn 14.1 then Capelle’s book on the game is excellent as are all of Capelle's books.
Also, I own Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool and I learn something new every time I pick it up.
I have Play Your Best Straight Pool. It has everything you're looking for. It's an excellent book.
Have you read Phil Capelle's Straight Pool book? Its very detailed and answers just about every question you or I could possibly have.
Cameron Smith
You should buy Phil Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool." It truly is the most comprehensive book out there on the game.
Just wanted to add, you gotta get a copy of Phil Capelle's book on Straight Pool if you don't have it already. It's a must, and he's got
drills in there as well that address straight pool skills in particular.
After you feel like you can read the table well, then go get Play Your Best Straight Pool book by Phil Capelle.
I just got Play Your Best Straight Pool by Phil Capelle and I like it a lot.
Phil Capelle has a good book on straight pool if you haven't already picked it up.
I am posting this thread as a plug for Phillip Capelle's book on straight pool. I began playing straight pool last summer and after 1 month my high run was 36. Within one week of reading the book, and considering aspects of the game that I previously had no concept of, my high run is now 43. More importantly my average has risen 10 balls. To the skeptics: yes the run was done on a 8 foot table, but no I did not fudge at all. Some readers have criticized his book as being too wordy and long. However, I think the information in the book would help you reach a 100 a lot faster than learning by trial and error.
Aside from being able to pocket 100 balls without missing, reading and following the lessons in Phil Capelle's "Play Your best 14.1" will help. After reading it, I ran in the 70's twice. My previous high run was 56. Good luck.
Excellent suggestion ! Excellent book ! One of the best billiard books ever, IMHO.
AND ...
I think Phil Capelle's book is really good and very good reading even for the more experienced 14.1 player.
Read Phil Capelle's book, then take what he teaches to the table. You'll be amazed at your progress.
Need straight pool help!!
Study the literature. The very best is probably Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Straight Pool." Start with that, memorize it, master the concepts.
If you are going to study the game, you should get books by Mosconi, Cranfield, Capelle, Byrne and Fels. As importantly, you need to watch
current champions.
Bob Jewett
If you would like to read a great instructional book see if you can find 'Play Your Best Straight Pool' by Phil B. Capelle at your local bookstore/library.
I've read Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Straight Pool" book and it has really opened my mind and eyes. My high run is 54 balls! I too need to concentrate on the last 5 balls and the break out shot!
Zims Rack
On Russian pro Sergey Nikitin who worked with PYBSP: In the beginning of the year Nikitin browsed through Phil Capelle's PYBSP which helped him a lot.
i would get Phil capelle's book "Play your best straight pool"
Mosconi's little Red book has great Straight pool 411 and Capelle's 14.1 Book has great insight as well...
The Kiss
I definitely feel good about playing straight pool and I´m quite sure that the practice you put in pays off. Reading "Play your best Straight
Pool" by P. Capelle also helps, it´s a great book.
Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool" has a whole chapter on safety play. It's awesome.
Also, there is a very good book by "Capelle" (Play Your Best Straight Pool)
Buy "Play your best straight-pool" by Phil B. Capelle and read through Blackjack's posts.
the book that gave me the largest boost after reading and workin with it was *Mastering Pool* by George Fels-and it s so fun just like reading it, too. Also the 14-1 book from Capelle is a Monster Book! These two books are the best straight pool books ever released.
Pro's perspective on 100+ ball runs
This won't answer your question, but Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a great book that talks all about this. It has a separate chapter just on how to make high runs.
I have both the Rempe video and the book by Phil Capelle, and both are really great.
Can't go wrong with Phil's book (on 14.1) wouldn't hurt to also read Babe Cranfield's book.
I Highly recommend the book by phil capelle "PLAY YOUR BEST STRAIGHT POOL"
Get your hands on a copy of Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool.
Phil Capelle's book is a must unless you have good 14.1 players that you can play against in your area.
I've bought Capelle's book (on 14.1) and that helps, but not through it yet.
Definitely worth buying (PYBSP). Good reference work that you may find yourself reading again and again and again. Best on Straight Pool I have ever read, imo.
No matter your current level, D or A player, you can gain some good advice from Capelle's "PYBSP".
Definitely the best diagrams of any straight pool book I have. Its all in there - a very complete and clear reference book on straight pool. I
like the "bible" for general philosophy of straight pool, Fel's books for writing style and entertainment, and Capelle for reference use. If I'm having trouble with a specific part of my game, sometimes I pull out the capelle book and turn to that chapter and reread it. Its been working great for me.
the books I keep going back to are Babes straight pool Bible, and Capelle’s book because you need not read it from front to back.....just scan the contents and find what you are needing work on and read away....
play your best straight pool by capelle is also good, super super detailed book, like 400 pages, but very worth it.
Capelle's book (on 14.1) is good, too. TONS of detail.
Though I like George Fel's books and recommend them, if there were only one straight pool book you could own, I found Capelle's "play your best straight pool" is comprehensive and insightful.
Best advice in the whole thread right here! Here's my advice, Hoboken Dude: I would spend the first five hours reading - no make that studying - what I believe to be the two classics on straight pool: Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool and Babe Cranfield's The
Straight Pool Bible.
Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a great book with tons of good information-
If you really want to learn the game better, get Phil Capelle's book Play Your Best Straight Pool, or Advanced Pool by George Fels.
Wally in Cincy
get phil capelle's book: Play Your Best Straight Pool or Play Your Best 9-Ball. Both cover position play.
Yeah Mully. I agree with Dennis. It is a very good book. I just skimmed it again for the first time in a few years, and I found myself highlighting a few things I hadn't considered. I don't think it holds any deep secrets that will double your runs, but there are little nuggets in there.
Phil Capelle covers the topics of stroke and speed control very well in his book 'Play Your Best Straight Pool'. His books are some of the best I've seen in more than 30 years of learning pool. If you want to improve your game, invest your money, time, and effort into his instruction.
Two more thumbs up for Capelle's play your best straight pool. It is comprehensive.
More thumbs up for Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool.
The 99 Critical Shots in Pool and Play you best straight pool build a strong foundation.
another thumbs up for Capelle's book.
TX Poolnut
In 14.1 I see the table as a puzzle and my job is to find the easiest way to solve that puzzle. Phil Capelle's book helped a lot.
The straight pool one is the only book I have by Mr. Capelle- I love it.
Measle Ball
Phil Capelle's Play your Best Straight Pool is a nice Encyclopedia of shots and strategies for 14.1.
AND ...
For 14.1 lovers, Phil Capelle's play your best straight pool is a must.
Dennis Walsh
There's so many out there now, It's almost impossible to keep up with them all. The ones that have meant the most to me.....Phil Capelle- Play your Best Straight pool (among the 3 books he mentioned)
Phil Capelle book on 14.1 is very good, I purchased this book a few years ago, and have read it numerous times...
I really suggest Phil Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool" if you are interested in the game, especially if there aren't a lot of straight pool players in your area.
If you already know the basics and beyond and are just looking to learn 14.1 then Capelle’s book on the game is excellent as are all of Capelle's books.
Also, I own Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool and I learn something new every time I pick it up.
I have Play Your Best Straight Pool. It has everything you're looking for. It's an excellent book.
Have you read Phil Capelle's Straight Pool book? Its very detailed and answers just about every question you or I could possibly have.
Cameron Smith
You should buy Phil Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool." It truly is the most comprehensive book out there on the game.
Just wanted to add, you gotta get a copy of Phil Capelle's book on Straight Pool if you don't have it already. It's a must, and he's got
drills in there as well that address straight pool skills in particular.
After you feel like you can read the table well, then go get Play Your Best Straight Pool book by Phil Capelle.
I just got Play Your Best Straight Pool by Phil Capelle and I like it a lot.
Phil Capelle has a good book on straight pool if you haven't already picked it up.
I am posting this thread as a plug for Phillip Capelle's book on straight pool. I began playing straight pool last summer and after 1 month my high run was 36. Within one week of reading the book, and considering aspects of the game that I previously had no concept of, my high run is now 43. More importantly my average has risen 10 balls. To the skeptics: yes the run was done on a 8 foot table, but no I did not fudge at all. Some readers have criticized his book as being too wordy and long. However, I think the information in the book would help you reach a 100 a lot faster than learning by trial and error.
Aside from being able to pocket 100 balls without missing, reading and following the lessons in Phil Capelle's "Play Your best 14.1" will help. After reading it, I ran in the 70's twice. My previous high run was 56. Good luck.
Excellent suggestion ! Excellent book ! One of the best billiard books ever, IMHO.
AND ...
I think Phil Capelle's book is really good and very good reading even for the more experienced 14.1 player.
Read Phil Capelle's book, then take what he teaches to the table. You'll be amazed at your progress.
Need straight pool help!!
Study the literature. The very best is probably Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Straight Pool." Start with that, memorize it, master the concepts.
If you are going to study the game, you should get books by Mosconi, Cranfield, Capelle, Byrne and Fels. As importantly, you need to watch
current champions.
Bob Jewett
If you would like to read a great instructional book see if you can find 'Play Your Best Straight Pool' by Phil B. Capelle at your local bookstore/library.
I've read Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best Straight Pool" book and it has really opened my mind and eyes. My high run is 54 balls! I too need to concentrate on the last 5 balls and the break out shot!
Zims Rack
On Russian pro Sergey Nikitin who worked with PYBSP: In the beginning of the year Nikitin browsed through Phil Capelle's PYBSP which helped him a lot.
i would get Phil capelle's book "Play your best straight pool"
Mosconi's little Red book has great Straight pool 411 and Capelle's 14.1 Book has great insight as well...
The Kiss
I definitely feel good about playing straight pool and I´m quite sure that the practice you put in pays off. Reading "Play your best Straight
Pool" by P. Capelle also helps, it´s a great book.
Capelle's book "Play your best straight pool" has a whole chapter on safety play. It's awesome.
Also, there is a very good book by "Capelle" (Play Your Best Straight Pool)
Buy "Play your best straight-pool" by Phil B. Capelle and read through Blackjack's posts.
the book that gave me the largest boost after reading and workin with it was *Mastering Pool* by George Fels-and it s so fun just like reading it, too. Also the 14-1 book from Capelle is a Monster Book! These two books are the best straight pool books ever released.
Pro's perspective on 100+ ball runs
This won't answer your question, but Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a great book that talks all about this. It has a separate chapter just on how to make high runs.
I have both the Rempe video and the book by Phil Capelle, and both are really great.
Can't go wrong with Phil's book (on 14.1) wouldn't hurt to also read Babe Cranfield's book.
I Highly recommend the book by phil capelle "PLAY YOUR BEST STRAIGHT POOL"
Get your hands on a copy of Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool.
Phil Capelle's book is a must unless you have good 14.1 players that you can play against in your area.
I've bought Capelle's book (on 14.1) and that helps, but not through it yet.
Definitely worth buying (PYBSP). Good reference work that you may find yourself reading again and again and again. Best on Straight Pool I have ever read, imo.
No matter your current level, D or A player, you can gain some good advice from Capelle's "PYBSP".
Definitely the best diagrams of any straight pool book I have. Its all in there - a very complete and clear reference book on straight pool. I
like the "bible" for general philosophy of straight pool, Fel's books for writing style and entertainment, and Capelle for reference use. If I'm having trouble with a specific part of my game, sometimes I pull out the capelle book and turn to that chapter and reread it. Its been working great for me.
the books I keep going back to are Babes straight pool Bible, and Capelle’s book because you need not read it from front to back.....just scan the contents and find what you are needing work on and read away....
play your best straight pool by capelle is also good, super super detailed book, like 400 pages, but very worth it.
Capelle's book (on 14.1) is good, too. TONS of detail.
Though I like George Fel's books and recommend them, if there were only one straight pool book you could own, I found Capelle's "play your best straight pool" is comprehensive and insightful.
Best advice in the whole thread right here! Here's my advice, Hoboken Dude: I would spend the first five hours reading - no make that studying - what I believe to be the two classics on straight pool: Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool and Babe Cranfield's The
Straight Pool Bible.
Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool is a great book with tons of good information-
If you really want to learn the game better, get Phil Capelle's book Play Your Best Straight Pool, or Advanced Pool by George Fels.
Wally in Cincy
get phil capelle's book: Play Your Best Straight Pool or Play Your Best 9-Ball. Both cover position play.
Yeah Mully. I agree with Dennis. It is a very good book. I just skimmed it again for the first time in a few years, and I found myself highlighting a few things I hadn't considered. I don't think it holds any deep secrets that will double your runs, but there are little nuggets in there.
Phil Capelle covers the topics of stroke and speed control very well in his book 'Play Your Best Straight Pool'. His books are some of the best I've seen in more than 30 years of learning pool. If you want to improve your game, invest your money, time, and effort into his instruction.
Two more thumbs up for Capelle's play your best straight pool. It is comprehensive.
More thumbs up for Capelle's Play Your Best Straight Pool.
The 99 Critical Shots in Pool and Play you best straight pool build a strong foundation.
Play Your Best Nine Ball

Definitely get Capelle's 9-ball book.
If you like the way Archer breaks, you should look at Phil Capelle's 9 ball book. He does a cool analysis with pictures of what he does.
Another vote for Capelle here. I just got back into the game and got 9 ball. It is awesome!
Nature Boy
Highly recommended (PYBNB). You'll get a lot out of this well-written and well-organized book.
I recommend the book (PYNNB), It helped me a lot when I was starting out to play 9 ball. I like his principles of position play.
Play your best nine ball is a great book. The diagrams are great, especially when he diagrams pro's runouts. It's massive too, its
Highly recommended... as is his Play Your Best Pool book. When you sit down to read it, grab your hi-liter and your pencil... and when you
find a statement that piques your interest, hi-lite it... and also take notes in the margins.
really enjoyed this book. it didn't turn my game around or anything but there was some useful information in it. it was actually pretty fun to read too
Terrific book. I've loaned out a couple of copies and haven't gotten them back! But when I did have a copy handy, I would go back to it every few weeks.
Travis Bickle
play your best 9 ball by phil capelle has a lot of information on patterns.
I also read Phil Capelle's book on nine ball and use one safety in his book routinely.
Get your hands on "Play Your Best Nine Ball" by Phil Capelle.
There is some interesting analysis of pro 9 ball matches in Capelle's 9 ball book. And also some rules of thumb that might seem obvious,but are useful to simplify the game. Just a couple of examples of basic principles he highlights that I like to keep in mind are ... if the ball's far from the rails, make an extra effort to play position into the shot, rather than across the line. And if you must go across the line of the next shot, use the wide side of the position zone, rather than getting too close to the ball. Plenty of useful stuff in there
Travis Bickle
Play Your Best 9-Ball is well worth the price that you'll pay for it... definitelyIMO.
i liked play your best 9 ball because he had some tips on strategy when you're getting weight
I have the 9-Ball book, and it is by far the best instructional book in my collection. IMO, all of the mainstream books written before the Capelle books ended just as they were getting to the interesting stuff. Play Your Best 9-Ball was the first book I recall that covered some of the topics that you could actually consider "advanced", including some stuff about strategy.
I like what you're doing. You're showing a strong work ethic and a desire to play high level pool. Where you're at, you might benefit from the
Capelle's "Play Your best 9 Ball" and focus on Chapters 3 through 7, which is position routes and pattern play. If you practice all the shots he shows until you feel pretty good about them, it could take many months alone.
Phil Capelle, Play your best 9 ball pretty much covers it all.
Johnny “V”
i have that play your best 9 ball and it did a lot for my game. i started running out more and playing much stronger safeties. it's a great book
You can’t go wrong with Byrne or Capelle.
It's (PYBNB) a great book. It pretty much covers the whole game, has something for everyone, and if it's studied properly, you can go back to it for future reference. It covers the basic safety game, kicking, strategies, gambling, break shots and a lot more.
Yes, Capelle's 9-ball book is great and packed with so much valuable information it's a case study in itself!!! It's akin to taking a college course for 2 semesters, 'cept a lot more fun! It does have a few typos and misspellings but nothing that would distract or confuse you. However, you really have to sit down and study it well chapter by chapter - i.e. take a lot of notes - to commit all the principles to memory and your game. His Play Your Best Pool also has a lot of great 9-ball info.! Buddy Hall even endorsed it.. I'm sure he'd endorse the 9-ball book as well.
Capelle's book on nine ball is superb.
I second that statement. got all his books except the new 8 ball one...!!
Third, from me- top-notch book.
If you haven't seen/read "Play Your Best 9-Ball" by Phil Capelle, check it out. It would be a great start for your 9-ball education.
"Play Your Best Nine Ball" is also excellent.
In the book "Play Your Best Nine Ball", author Phil Capelle has an extremely well written chapter on the break and it includes some stats from a study that he did.
watching games if professionals are playing each other is very sure a good advice-- but the book from phil capelle *play your best 9-ball* is by far the best and most complete book i ever read about 9-ball. Highly recommended!
Capelle's Play your best 9-ball is definitely a great book.
Lot of good material in Phil Capelle's 9-ball book. Great stuff on position zone shapes and guidelines for entering zones and choosing which routes to take. Also learning to get back to center table via standard 1 and 2 rail routes. If you can do those things consistently and have a decent stroke you can play pretty good 9-ball.
I would also recommend Phil Capelle's 9-ball book. That will give you plenty of material, shots & patterns, to practice.
If you like the way Archer breaks, you should look at Phil Capelle's 9 ball book. He does a cool analysis with pictures of what he does.
Another vote for Capelle here. I just got back into the game and got 9 ball. It is awesome!
Nature Boy
Highly recommended (PYBNB). You'll get a lot out of this well-written and well-organized book.
I recommend the book (PYNNB), It helped me a lot when I was starting out to play 9 ball. I like his principles of position play.
Play your best nine ball is a great book. The diagrams are great, especially when he diagrams pro's runouts. It's massive too, its
Highly recommended... as is his Play Your Best Pool book. When you sit down to read it, grab your hi-liter and your pencil... and when you
find a statement that piques your interest, hi-lite it... and also take notes in the margins.
really enjoyed this book. it didn't turn my game around or anything but there was some useful information in it. it was actually pretty fun to read too
Terrific book. I've loaned out a couple of copies and haven't gotten them back! But when I did have a copy handy, I would go back to it every few weeks.
Travis Bickle
play your best 9 ball by phil capelle has a lot of information on patterns.
I also read Phil Capelle's book on nine ball and use one safety in his book routinely.
Get your hands on "Play Your Best Nine Ball" by Phil Capelle.
There is some interesting analysis of pro 9 ball matches in Capelle's 9 ball book. And also some rules of thumb that might seem obvious,but are useful to simplify the game. Just a couple of examples of basic principles he highlights that I like to keep in mind are ... if the ball's far from the rails, make an extra effort to play position into the shot, rather than across the line. And if you must go across the line of the next shot, use the wide side of the position zone, rather than getting too close to the ball. Plenty of useful stuff in there
Travis Bickle
Play Your Best 9-Ball is well worth the price that you'll pay for it... definitelyIMO.
i liked play your best 9 ball because he had some tips on strategy when you're getting weight
I have the 9-Ball book, and it is by far the best instructional book in my collection. IMO, all of the mainstream books written before the Capelle books ended just as they were getting to the interesting stuff. Play Your Best 9-Ball was the first book I recall that covered some of the topics that you could actually consider "advanced", including some stuff about strategy.
I like what you're doing. You're showing a strong work ethic and a desire to play high level pool. Where you're at, you might benefit from the
Capelle's "Play Your best 9 Ball" and focus on Chapters 3 through 7, which is position routes and pattern play. If you practice all the shots he shows until you feel pretty good about them, it could take many months alone.
Phil Capelle, Play your best 9 ball pretty much covers it all.
Johnny “V”
i have that play your best 9 ball and it did a lot for my game. i started running out more and playing much stronger safeties. it's a great book
You can’t go wrong with Byrne or Capelle.
It's (PYBNB) a great book. It pretty much covers the whole game, has something for everyone, and if it's studied properly, you can go back to it for future reference. It covers the basic safety game, kicking, strategies, gambling, break shots and a lot more.
Yes, Capelle's 9-ball book is great and packed with so much valuable information it's a case study in itself!!! It's akin to taking a college course for 2 semesters, 'cept a lot more fun! It does have a few typos and misspellings but nothing that would distract or confuse you. However, you really have to sit down and study it well chapter by chapter - i.e. take a lot of notes - to commit all the principles to memory and your game. His Play Your Best Pool also has a lot of great 9-ball info.! Buddy Hall even endorsed it.. I'm sure he'd endorse the 9-ball book as well.
Capelle's book on nine ball is superb.
I second that statement. got all his books except the new 8 ball one...!!
Third, from me- top-notch book.
If you haven't seen/read "Play Your Best 9-Ball" by Phil Capelle, check it out. It would be a great start for your 9-ball education.
"Play Your Best Nine Ball" is also excellent.
In the book "Play Your Best Nine Ball", author Phil Capelle has an extremely well written chapter on the break and it includes some stats from a study that he did.
watching games if professionals are playing each other is very sure a good advice-- but the book from phil capelle *play your best 9-ball* is by far the best and most complete book i ever read about 9-ball. Highly recommended!
Capelle's Play your best 9-ball is definitely a great book.
Lot of good material in Phil Capelle's 9-ball book. Great stuff on position zone shapes and guidelines for entering zones and choosing which routes to take. Also learning to get back to center table via standard 1 and 2 rail routes. If you can do those things consistently and have a decent stroke you can play pretty good 9-ball.
I would also recommend Phil Capelle's 9-ball book. That will give you plenty of material, shots & patterns, to practice.
Play Your Best Eight Ball

Best 8 Ball book?
You gotta have them. My copy of Play your best 8 ball has post it notes marking off important sections that I go back and read quite often. This is one book I won't lend out.
Play your best 8 ball by Phil Capelle.
Looking for a "pattern" teaching video
It's not a video but Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Eight-Ball helped answer all of your questions...
AND ...
I'm on the last chapter (practice drills) of Play Your Best Eight Ball by Phil Capelle and let me just say, what a great book! My strategy is so much better, I used to be really offensive minded. Last week I was playing at a bar and quickly found myself down 6 balls to his 8-ball. I was able to play defensive shots and make him scratch for the win! One of the biggest takeaways from this book for me is the value of leaving balls on the table and going after the problems first. I see plenty of players clear a table only to leave the problem balls last.
Capelle's book on 8-ball is a wonderful resource on the game.
Your Favorite Book for 8-Ball
I own all three and learned a lot from each one, but I would have to say I learned the most from Capelle's book. (Givens and Schwartz the other two.)
Phil Capelle's book about 8-ball is fantastic.
TX Poolnut
Phil Capelle 8 ball book It's(PYBEP) a great read.
If you primarily play on 7 foot bar tables with oversize or overweight cue balls then I would agree with you, for that is the specific type of play that Givens addresses in "The 8 Ball Bible". Now, I'll grant you that some of the advice in "The 8 Ball Bible" is applicable to any type of bar table / cue ball combo, but generally speaking the book's scope is limited to bar tables. It strives to, and succeeds in being excellent as "a guide to bar table play". Capelle's "Play Your Best 8 Ball" is far, far better. It does not limit itself to any size of table. It addresses the differences right in the beginning, and then goes on to provide enough information to keep you going for two years (provided you read it all and practice it all in order to internalize the material) IMHO, with 16 Chapters, 535 diagrams, and 480 pages it has more solid info than any other book on 8 ball. No one who loves 8 ball and is serious about it should be without a well worn copy.
Secaucus Fats
If you want to learn about 8-ball strategy, you're probably better off buying Phil Capelle's book entitled "Play Your Best 8 Ball". His books are all excellent.
Phil Capelle's Play Your Best 8 Ball immensely helped me (I think it's the main reason I became a Master player). I love 8ball and know the game very well b/c of that book.
Capelle's 8-ball book has a ton of great info for just about any level player.
If you’re looking to get better at 8-ball you can't go wrong with Phil's book.
'Play your best 8-ball' is well worth getting. Loads of good stuff in it.
I have only read Play your best 8 ball by him but it was a great book.
I have almost finished reading Phil Capelle's, Play Your Best Eight Ball. I recommend it to anybody who plays a lot of 8-ball.
If you haven't already read it, you should read Phil Capelle's book, "Play Your Best Eight Ball," for all-around strategies on playing this game.
I agree with poolsharkallen, "Play your best 8-ball" by Phil Capelle is a very good book to learn the strategies of 8-ball. He also has a section about 8-ball in his book "Play your best pool".
On the Run
Someone mentioned Larry Schwartz' book. I also would like to recommend Phil Capelle's exhaustive study of 8 ball. He goes into precisely the situation you described. He recommends having a "Plan B" worked out BEFORE you start your run; just in case you get out of line.
AND ...
One thing is for sure: Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball is FAR from simplistic. It's actually a pretty exhaustive analysis of the game. I've yet to see an 8 ball move that you couldn't find in that book! There will be two or three chapters that are basic and you'll wanna skip... But everything else is a gem.
We just received our brand-new 8-ball instructional book yesterday, written by Phil Capelle, "Play Your Best 8-Ball." I heard that a couple of Hall of Famers and some lady pros have recently purchased this book to prepare for the IPT King of the Hill Shootout.
AND ...
I talked to a friend who was a friend of a friend --- who said that a Hall of Famer and WPBA pro participating in the King of the Hill Shootout
ordered that new book by Phil Capelle, "Play Your Best 8-Ball." My copy is en route as I write this post. The McCready Camp is preparing for battle!
Like JAM, I'd recommend Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball to every self-satisfied 9 baller. I wouldn't be surprised if a great many 9 ballers find
out they didn't know the first about that complex game.I read Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball and fell in love with the strategy.
This book would be a great addition to anyone’s pool library. Over 400 pages contain well thought out and well diagrammed curriculums for any level of player. To those of you hoping for a more detailed review, I apologize. There are far too many chapters and my niche in life is not that of a professional writer. For fear that my lack of ability to do the book complete justice may hinder those considering its purchase....I will forego any attempt at detail.....suffice it to say....if you are able to find this book, my understanding is it is currently out of print, you will have no trouble reselling it.....though i seriously doubt any of you would let this book leave your hands. in closing I would like to quote an excerpt.." If you approach learning eight ball like a college student with a well thought out plan of attack, you could learn everything in this book in perhaps five to seven years".....I find this honesty quick magic secrets that you will only find promise of a dramatic improvement in your game overnight. Phil constantly reminds us that there is simply no substitute or practice.....and he outlines perfectly the steps to insure you practice sessions are fruitful.......Dan
When I returned to playing pool about 6 years ago, this is one of the first books I bought to learn from. I read it for a bit and then put it away.I happen to look in it the other day and started scanning through the book. The difference this time is I did so after 6 years of a lot of table time and games, something I didn't have when I first got the book.What I realized now was how good this book is in simply, clearly and with good visuals explains how to play pool. All areas of pool are covered. Shotmaking, position play, aiming, patterns, routes and more are discussed in clear, concise language. All drawings are to scale and are easily understand. A good book for your pool library.
It takes it s time to go through this book. But do yourself a favor and fight yourself through this book. A VERY strong book. For me the best about 8-ball by far.
It's the best book on 8-Ball that I've read, and I've read it from beginning to end. Like all good tutorials it's bound to be useless unless
one puts things to practice. Up to intermediate level players will be occupied for weeks if not months if they don't just leaf through the pages. Having said that, I came away a little disappointed because I could not find a single thing I didn't already know. That may be excusable given I've been playing for 25 years, even so, I was hoping to learn something new and didn't. As to the writing, it's not overly didactic at all, on the contrary, albeit neither funny nor witty (e.g. à la George Fels), the descriptions are lucid without ever sounding patronizing or being boring. There are few mistakes (grammar, let alone orthography), maybe two or three content-wise, in other words, excellent proof-reading. The diagrams, in order to save space and paper, sometimes contain more than one example and/or steps within e.g. a succession of shots in a run-out, which can be mildly (but not very) confusing. What's lacking, at least from an instructor's perspective, is a chapter full of exercises/drills - maybe Capelle's practice book covers those (I have yet to look at it more closely)? All in all, recommended. (Authors note: actually there is an 18 page chapter called Drills for Eight Ball.)
Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best 8 Ball" is my recommendation. It has 480 pages, 535 Diagrams, Killer Safeties, Run out patterns and over 100 examples taken from the Pros. There are also chapters on strategy and dealing with problems, 9FT VS, 7FT, and more. If I could have only one book on 8 Ball, "Play Your Best 8 Ball" would be that book. Another poster mentioned "The 8 Ball Bible" by R. Givens,
however I would not recommend it, as much of the book is designed for bar table play using the old oversize/overweight cue ball. Most bar tables today (at least in NJ) have magnetic standard size cue balls. IMO, the material is dated and Givens needs to revise and update the entire book.
Secaucus Fats
A book I would urge you to get goes into 8 ball strategy in great depth is Phil Capelle's Play Your Best 8 Ball. Even by reading and understanding what is written there, it will change the way you analyze racks and thereby improve your game. Only with practice will the other parts come, like CB control and an ever increasing ability to pocket balls. 8 ball challenges players in ways a rotation game can't. Check out Capelle’s book and you will see many ideas there that you've never considered before.
AND ...
There is nothing that isn't covered by Phil Capelle play your best 8 ball, I recommend that book strongly. I still reread parts of it before 8 ball events, lots of winning moves there.
It's written top to bottom with an emphasis on the defensive style intrinsic to 8-ball. It contained some of my first lessons on 8-ball defense, and opened a door to a deeper appreciation for that game.
You gotta have them. My copy of Play your best 8 ball has post it notes marking off important sections that I go back and read quite often. This is one book I won't lend out.
Play your best 8 ball by Phil Capelle.
Looking for a "pattern" teaching video
It's not a video but Phil Capelle's Play Your Best Eight-Ball helped answer all of your questions...
AND ...
I'm on the last chapter (practice drills) of Play Your Best Eight Ball by Phil Capelle and let me just say, what a great book! My strategy is so much better, I used to be really offensive minded. Last week I was playing at a bar and quickly found myself down 6 balls to his 8-ball. I was able to play defensive shots and make him scratch for the win! One of the biggest takeaways from this book for me is the value of leaving balls on the table and going after the problems first. I see plenty of players clear a table only to leave the problem balls last.
Capelle's book on 8-ball is a wonderful resource on the game.
Your Favorite Book for 8-Ball
I own all three and learned a lot from each one, but I would have to say I learned the most from Capelle's book. (Givens and Schwartz the other two.)
Phil Capelle's book about 8-ball is fantastic.
TX Poolnut
Phil Capelle 8 ball book It's(PYBEP) a great read.
If you primarily play on 7 foot bar tables with oversize or overweight cue balls then I would agree with you, for that is the specific type of play that Givens addresses in "The 8 Ball Bible". Now, I'll grant you that some of the advice in "The 8 Ball Bible" is applicable to any type of bar table / cue ball combo, but generally speaking the book's scope is limited to bar tables. It strives to, and succeeds in being excellent as "a guide to bar table play". Capelle's "Play Your Best 8 Ball" is far, far better. It does not limit itself to any size of table. It addresses the differences right in the beginning, and then goes on to provide enough information to keep you going for two years (provided you read it all and practice it all in order to internalize the material) IMHO, with 16 Chapters, 535 diagrams, and 480 pages it has more solid info than any other book on 8 ball. No one who loves 8 ball and is serious about it should be without a well worn copy.
Secaucus Fats
If you want to learn about 8-ball strategy, you're probably better off buying Phil Capelle's book entitled "Play Your Best 8 Ball". His books are all excellent.
Phil Capelle's Play Your Best 8 Ball immensely helped me (I think it's the main reason I became a Master player). I love 8ball and know the game very well b/c of that book.
Capelle's 8-ball book has a ton of great info for just about any level player.
If you’re looking to get better at 8-ball you can't go wrong with Phil's book.
'Play your best 8-ball' is well worth getting. Loads of good stuff in it.
I have only read Play your best 8 ball by him but it was a great book.
I have almost finished reading Phil Capelle's, Play Your Best Eight Ball. I recommend it to anybody who plays a lot of 8-ball.
If you haven't already read it, you should read Phil Capelle's book, "Play Your Best Eight Ball," for all-around strategies on playing this game.
I agree with poolsharkallen, "Play your best 8-ball" by Phil Capelle is a very good book to learn the strategies of 8-ball. He also has a section about 8-ball in his book "Play your best pool".
On the Run
Someone mentioned Larry Schwartz' book. I also would like to recommend Phil Capelle's exhaustive study of 8 ball. He goes into precisely the situation you described. He recommends having a "Plan B" worked out BEFORE you start your run; just in case you get out of line.
AND ...
One thing is for sure: Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball is FAR from simplistic. It's actually a pretty exhaustive analysis of the game. I've yet to see an 8 ball move that you couldn't find in that book! There will be two or three chapters that are basic and you'll wanna skip... But everything else is a gem.
We just received our brand-new 8-ball instructional book yesterday, written by Phil Capelle, "Play Your Best 8-Ball." I heard that a couple of Hall of Famers and some lady pros have recently purchased this book to prepare for the IPT King of the Hill Shootout.
AND ...
I talked to a friend who was a friend of a friend --- who said that a Hall of Famer and WPBA pro participating in the King of the Hill Shootout
ordered that new book by Phil Capelle, "Play Your Best 8-Ball." My copy is en route as I write this post. The McCready Camp is preparing for battle!
Like JAM, I'd recommend Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball to every self-satisfied 9 baller. I wouldn't be surprised if a great many 9 ballers find
out they didn't know the first about that complex game.I read Phil Capelle's book on 8 ball and fell in love with the strategy.
This book would be a great addition to anyone’s pool library. Over 400 pages contain well thought out and well diagrammed curriculums for any level of player. To those of you hoping for a more detailed review, I apologize. There are far too many chapters and my niche in life is not that of a professional writer. For fear that my lack of ability to do the book complete justice may hinder those considering its purchase....I will forego any attempt at detail.....suffice it to say....if you are able to find this book, my understanding is it is currently out of print, you will have no trouble reselling it.....though i seriously doubt any of you would let this book leave your hands. in closing I would like to quote an excerpt.." If you approach learning eight ball like a college student with a well thought out plan of attack, you could learn everything in this book in perhaps five to seven years".....I find this honesty quick magic secrets that you will only find promise of a dramatic improvement in your game overnight. Phil constantly reminds us that there is simply no substitute or practice.....and he outlines perfectly the steps to insure you practice sessions are fruitful.......Dan
When I returned to playing pool about 6 years ago, this is one of the first books I bought to learn from. I read it for a bit and then put it away.I happen to look in it the other day and started scanning through the book. The difference this time is I did so after 6 years of a lot of table time and games, something I didn't have when I first got the book.What I realized now was how good this book is in simply, clearly and with good visuals explains how to play pool. All areas of pool are covered. Shotmaking, position play, aiming, patterns, routes and more are discussed in clear, concise language. All drawings are to scale and are easily understand. A good book for your pool library.
It takes it s time to go through this book. But do yourself a favor and fight yourself through this book. A VERY strong book. For me the best about 8-ball by far.
It's the best book on 8-Ball that I've read, and I've read it from beginning to end. Like all good tutorials it's bound to be useless unless
one puts things to practice. Up to intermediate level players will be occupied for weeks if not months if they don't just leaf through the pages. Having said that, I came away a little disappointed because I could not find a single thing I didn't already know. That may be excusable given I've been playing for 25 years, even so, I was hoping to learn something new and didn't. As to the writing, it's not overly didactic at all, on the contrary, albeit neither funny nor witty (e.g. à la George Fels), the descriptions are lucid without ever sounding patronizing or being boring. There are few mistakes (grammar, let alone orthography), maybe two or three content-wise, in other words, excellent proof-reading. The diagrams, in order to save space and paper, sometimes contain more than one example and/or steps within e.g. a succession of shots in a run-out, which can be mildly (but not very) confusing. What's lacking, at least from an instructor's perspective, is a chapter full of exercises/drills - maybe Capelle's practice book covers those (I have yet to look at it more closely)? All in all, recommended. (Authors note: actually there is an 18 page chapter called Drills for Eight Ball.)
Phil Capelle's "Play Your Best 8 Ball" is my recommendation. It has 480 pages, 535 Diagrams, Killer Safeties, Run out patterns and over 100 examples taken from the Pros. There are also chapters on strategy and dealing with problems, 9FT VS, 7FT, and more. If I could have only one book on 8 Ball, "Play Your Best 8 Ball" would be that book. Another poster mentioned "The 8 Ball Bible" by R. Givens,
however I would not recommend it, as much of the book is designed for bar table play using the old oversize/overweight cue ball. Most bar tables today (at least in NJ) have magnetic standard size cue balls. IMO, the material is dated and Givens needs to revise and update the entire book.
Secaucus Fats
A book I would urge you to get goes into 8 ball strategy in great depth is Phil Capelle's Play Your Best 8 Ball. Even by reading and understanding what is written there, it will change the way you analyze racks and thereby improve your game. Only with practice will the other parts come, like CB control and an ever increasing ability to pocket balls. 8 ball challenges players in ways a rotation game can't. Check out Capelle’s book and you will see many ideas there that you've never considered before.
AND ...
There is nothing that isn't covered by Phil Capelle play your best 8 ball, I recommend that book strongly. I still reread parts of it before 8 ball events, lots of winning moves there.
It's written top to bottom with an emphasis on the defensive style intrinsic to 8-ball. It contained some of my first lessons on 8-ball defense, and opened a door to a deeper appreciation for that game.
Capelle's Practicing Pool

I like this one from Capelle, Practicing Pool. It has served me well.
Phil Capelle has a great book that is damn there guaranteed to get you out of any slump. It is called "Capelle's Practicing Pool" This book has helped me out a lot. It covers almost every thing.
Barioni Cues
Capelle's Practicing Pool is one of the best training books that I have even read.
So my wife makes me go thrift store shopping with her today and just about the time I started to think, what a wasted day, I find a book called Practicing Pool by Phil Capelle. I just finished reading it (skipped over a few parts). This book has info on improving every part
of your game, I can't wait to get to the table and put this info to work. I think it's as good as Robert Byrne's Standard Book(the only other instructional book I own). Anyway, finding this book really made my day. Anybody out there have any info on Phil Capelle?
Someone mentioned Phil Capelle, probably the best book for practice. it doesn't have any nonsense and it is all hard work.
As a general instruction and drill book, I'm a big fan of Phil Capelle's Practicing Pool. The book covers nearly every aspect of the game, as it should along with 8-ball, 9-ball game strategy. Another that sets this book apart is the spiral bounding. It lays flat on the pool table or stool when I'm practicing. For practicing drills, the book gave me great advice on setting up shots precisely; using notebook donuts and a ruler.No other instructional book that came across suggested this.
Here's a list to get you started. I've lifted this from Capelle's Practicing Pool, a great book I heartily recommend.
John Biddle
My favorite practice book right now is "Practicing Pool" by Phil Capelle. It has an exhaustive number of drills in it - there is sure to be something for everyone. Plus, it is spiral bound so that you can keep it open to the page you are using.
Liz Ford – WPBA
I guess my liking Capelle's book has in part to do with the fact that I do some instruction with team members and there is some great content in there for that.
What I liked about this book is how Mr. Capelle break down his chapters. Depending on if your a total beginner, intermediate, advance player, you can start your reading at different point in each chapter, and skip the redundant stuff. The book itself is spiral bound, making it easy to read on laying flat on a pool table or propped against the drink shelf. My copy of Willie Mosconi's on Pocket Billiards came apart after a couple of readings. So, this is made for 'heavy duty' use. Something I have not seen in other books is Capelle's method for setting up practice shots. Mr. Capelle spends a chapter or two covering the use of loose leaf hole reinforcement stickers, aka donuts, and a yard stick for setting up shots. The donuts are elegant, simple, and a lot more effective and cleaner than marking the table with chalk.
It's a very good book. Many things can be learnt no matter the skill level. I highly recommend it.
I bought the book as soon as it came out. I think it is Capelle's finest work. The book is definitely worth the money.
I have about every book and video out there. If I were told I could only have one book it would be Phil Capelle's Practicing Pool. It really has the stuff that will improve your game. This book is a really loaded with some good stuff.
I bought a book by Phil Capelle "How to practice Pool" I am still working with. This is a EXCELLENT book!!
I have all of the Capelle books except for the Mike Massey one. This one is good and it is more like the end sections of PYBP and PYB9B where he lays out the practice drills. You can check out the table of contents on his website which I think is billiardspress. I got the book there for $25 shipped or so. I have read about the first 100 pages and it is good. Some of it is like the Jewett progressive practice. I was thinking it would have charts for keeping score for actual practice, but it is more of an informational book than one I would lay on the table and actually practice. If you like the other Capelle books it you will like it as it is in the same format and information is presented in the same way.
AND ...
Practicing Pool does have drills with scores. I just flipped ahead and I saw them.
(Authors note: The book, with its spiral binding, is designed for practice on the table. The book includes instructions on doing the exercises and evaluating your results.)
There is a lot of good information in the book. I especially liked the order to learn things (or fix things). Too many people focus on aiming instead of correcting their mechanics and then they think the aiming is the problem. He takes care of this by explaining that by having an excellent "landing" and a straight stroke the aiming will come automatically. And he used "natural aiming" which is another description for aiming by feel. I don't want this thread to turn into an aiming thread, but natural aiming is certainly my preference. I'm glad to see an author use it instead of ghost balls, contact points, etc. He also had a section on the phases of learning: Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence, and finally unconscious mastery. That part looked to be taken right out of The Inner Game of Tennis, and was a good part to include in this book.
Very good book. About time there was a book devoted to practice. And the best part? The book has a spiral binding! So you can open it to a page and it will stay there. So this author gave some thought about how people will use his book and designed it with that in mind.
Might I suggest Capelle's Practicing Pool, and the IPAT series (you can pick one that suits your skill level). The information contained in these titles are not only useful, but actionable. I have found that these are both great resources for structuring practice sessions and measuring progress.
I spend more time finding the right eclipse view on longer shots and sight until I see the right shot picture that I remember seeing when the shot went in before. Phil Capelle talks about shot pictures and it has made all the difference for me.
Can I get some book recommendations?
I've been playing for 7 years I have bought every book, seen maybe 50-60 instructional video's had coaching lessons. If i had to recommend one that would be Phil Capelle's practicing pool. Why? because many of the books on the market are about SHOTS or STROKES or SYSTEMS, or too specific about only one aspect of the game. This is about building your game and all aspects of your game in a well laid out plan from the bottom to top level. If you are honest with yourself and understand how much you need to put in, this book also provides a great matrix to measure progress. You can easily use what is in here for years. Well worth the few bucks.
Phil Capelle has a great book that is damn there guaranteed to get you out of any slump. It is called "Capelle's Practicing Pool" This book has helped me out a lot. It covers almost every thing.
Barioni Cues
Capelle's Practicing Pool is one of the best training books that I have even read.
So my wife makes me go thrift store shopping with her today and just about the time I started to think, what a wasted day, I find a book called Practicing Pool by Phil Capelle. I just finished reading it (skipped over a few parts). This book has info on improving every part
of your game, I can't wait to get to the table and put this info to work. I think it's as good as Robert Byrne's Standard Book(the only other instructional book I own). Anyway, finding this book really made my day. Anybody out there have any info on Phil Capelle?
Someone mentioned Phil Capelle, probably the best book for practice. it doesn't have any nonsense and it is all hard work.
As a general instruction and drill book, I'm a big fan of Phil Capelle's Practicing Pool. The book covers nearly every aspect of the game, as it should along with 8-ball, 9-ball game strategy. Another that sets this book apart is the spiral bounding. It lays flat on the pool table or stool when I'm practicing. For practicing drills, the book gave me great advice on setting up shots precisely; using notebook donuts and a ruler.No other instructional book that came across suggested this.
Here's a list to get you started. I've lifted this from Capelle's Practicing Pool, a great book I heartily recommend.
John Biddle
My favorite practice book right now is "Practicing Pool" by Phil Capelle. It has an exhaustive number of drills in it - there is sure to be something for everyone. Plus, it is spiral bound so that you can keep it open to the page you are using.
Liz Ford – WPBA
I guess my liking Capelle's book has in part to do with the fact that I do some instruction with team members and there is some great content in there for that.
What I liked about this book is how Mr. Capelle break down his chapters. Depending on if your a total beginner, intermediate, advance player, you can start your reading at different point in each chapter, and skip the redundant stuff. The book itself is spiral bound, making it easy to read on laying flat on a pool table or propped against the drink shelf. My copy of Willie Mosconi's on Pocket Billiards came apart after a couple of readings. So, this is made for 'heavy duty' use. Something I have not seen in other books is Capelle's method for setting up practice shots. Mr. Capelle spends a chapter or two covering the use of loose leaf hole reinforcement stickers, aka donuts, and a yard stick for setting up shots. The donuts are elegant, simple, and a lot more effective and cleaner than marking the table with chalk.
It's a very good book. Many things can be learnt no matter the skill level. I highly recommend it.
I bought the book as soon as it came out. I think it is Capelle's finest work. The book is definitely worth the money.
I have about every book and video out there. If I were told I could only have one book it would be Phil Capelle's Practicing Pool. It really has the stuff that will improve your game. This book is a really loaded with some good stuff.
I bought a book by Phil Capelle "How to practice Pool" I am still working with. This is a EXCELLENT book!!
I have all of the Capelle books except for the Mike Massey one. This one is good and it is more like the end sections of PYBP and PYB9B where he lays out the practice drills. You can check out the table of contents on his website which I think is billiardspress. I got the book there for $25 shipped or so. I have read about the first 100 pages and it is good. Some of it is like the Jewett progressive practice. I was thinking it would have charts for keeping score for actual practice, but it is more of an informational book than one I would lay on the table and actually practice. If you like the other Capelle books it you will like it as it is in the same format and information is presented in the same way.
AND ...
Practicing Pool does have drills with scores. I just flipped ahead and I saw them.
(Authors note: The book, with its spiral binding, is designed for practice on the table. The book includes instructions on doing the exercises and evaluating your results.)
There is a lot of good information in the book. I especially liked the order to learn things (or fix things). Too many people focus on aiming instead of correcting their mechanics and then they think the aiming is the problem. He takes care of this by explaining that by having an excellent "landing" and a straight stroke the aiming will come automatically. And he used "natural aiming" which is another description for aiming by feel. I don't want this thread to turn into an aiming thread, but natural aiming is certainly my preference. I'm glad to see an author use it instead of ghost balls, contact points, etc. He also had a section on the phases of learning: Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence, and finally unconscious mastery. That part looked to be taken right out of The Inner Game of Tennis, and was a good part to include in this book.
Very good book. About time there was a book devoted to practice. And the best part? The book has a spiral binding! So you can open it to a page and it will stay there. So this author gave some thought about how people will use his book and designed it with that in mind.
Might I suggest Capelle's Practicing Pool, and the IPAT series (you can pick one that suits your skill level). The information contained in these titles are not only useful, but actionable. I have found that these are both great resources for structuring practice sessions and measuring progress.
I spend more time finding the right eclipse view on longer shots and sight until I see the right shot picture that I remember seeing when the shot went in before. Phil Capelle talks about shot pictures and it has made all the difference for me.
Can I get some book recommendations?
I've been playing for 7 years I have bought every book, seen maybe 50-60 instructional video's had coaching lessons. If i had to recommend one that would be Phil Capelle's practicing pool. Why? because many of the books on the market are about SHOTS or STROKES or SYSTEMS, or too specific about only one aspect of the game. This is about building your game and all aspects of your game in a well laid out plan from the bottom to top level. If you are honest with yourself and understand how much you need to put in, this book also provides a great matrix to measure progress. You can easily use what is in here for years. Well worth the few bucks.
A Mind For Pool

I've read only 'A Mind For Pool' and I find that it has covered all aspects of the mental game for every level of players. From beginners to the professionals. tournament formats and money games...
Pool Player
Need help/advice please
I recommend Phil Capelle's "A Mind for Pool". It has helped me with the mental aspect of competition.
The Phil Capelle offering, A Mind For Pool, is also QUITE good.
Tommy D.
I'm in that place right now after a crushing loss to a weaker player, and it sucks. I headed straight home and right for my copy of Capelle's A Mind for Pool in the hopes of it offering some perspective. It did (thank you, Philip). If you don't have a copy, I recommend getting one.
the capelle book I won and like. he also wrote a book called "a mind for pool" which i liked a lot more than "pleasure of small motions".
"pleasure" just wasn't for me
a mind for pool by phil capelle
I Agree, Pleasures in small motions and A Mind for Pool are great books.
this book has helped me a lot lately. i shoot ok but tend to flake a little now and then and i started reading this book and have found a few
tips to help me. i also tried to read pleasure of small motions but it wasn't my cup of tea.
"A mind for Pool: how to master the mental game" by Phil Capelle. An absolute must read...very helpful.
Varney Cues
Mental Game
Phil Capelle's book. This is also full of some great concepts.
I am reading "A Mind for Pool" right now and it has some really good stuff in it. Very good book.
Fancher, Gallwey, Capelle : which to read first ?
I’d start with the phil capelle. everything by him is pretty solid
I'd say it depends on how well you can analyze your weaknesses, Dave. The Gallwey book is capable of completely re-doing your point of view, so if you begin with that, I'd suggest you take a modest break from the game. I tend to prefer Fancher to Capelle when it comes to this, but that's just one more opinion. Gallwey-Fancher-Capelle, in that order, will probably do the best job of taking you from the general to the specific.
George Fels
FWIW, I found the "The Inner Game of Tennis", "The Tao of Sports", and even Phil Capelle's "Mind for Pool" better than "Pleasures of Small Motions".
I think Mind for Pool by Phil Capelle might be better for DCP like players. While that book hardly gives any real insight as to how mind works, it does teach you how to have positive attitude when it comes to bad luck, funny rolls, etc. All from player's perspective, without any psychological mumbo-jumbo. DCP seems to suffer from "I'm so unlucky" syndrome which so many players have. Technical
term for this syndrome is actually called "whining". Capelle's book really does a superb job dealing with other player's good rolls and your bad ones. Luck always evens out in the long term.
I recently purchased Phil Capelle's "A Mind for Pool" and I really enjoyed studying it.
The best cue sports related book (A Mind For Pool) I have ever read!
Tips on turning a match around?
Some of this information is paraphrased from [b]A Mind for Pool: How to Master the Mental Game by Philip Capelle. If you never read it, I highly recommend it.
I think Mind for Pool is a great book for those that are stuck in the "I am so unlucky" mentality ...I have the book, and I think the best thing
about it is the fact that it puts you in a positive frame of mind. Yeah it has a lot of corny proverbs, but sometimes just picking up the book and reading those will get you in a better frame of mind for the game..JMO
Been reading "Mind for pool" by Phil Capelle lately as well as some online articles on mental game by various people such as those of Blackjack David Sapolis. Really good stuff in there.
Then the mental game really is your issue. Have you read Phil Capelle's superb book on the mental game? I'm no sports psychologist, but I do know this: if your pre-shot routine doesn't prepare you both physically and mentally for your shots, it isn't good enough.
and capelle's a mind for pool is a very good book, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Try to get the book A Mind for Pool by philip capelle, it brings the very best out of you and it helps you focus your mind on the table. Helped me a lot... should help everyone else out the same.
Side Pocket Kid
How to Really Use English...
In the book called, "A Mind for Pool" written by Philip B. Capelle, it talks a little bit about how to really use english. I just wanted to share some thoughts from the book that I thought were really interesting and helped me improve my game. This guy is a certified instructor and has been around pool his entire life, so his knowledge is quite credible.
The man knows of what he speaks. (On a list of tips for how to use english).
Jay Helfert
I read that book (A Mind For Pool) front to back.......I would recommend it!!!!
Need help with anger/unsportsman like conduct while playing.
Buy Phil Capelle's book "A Mind For Pool". It helped me a lot, especially in recognizing my own responsibility in my failures and in learning to accept, forgive and learn from those mistakes.
Capelle's book, "The Mental Game" is also a good read.
Jude Rosenstock
Pool Player
Need help/advice please
I recommend Phil Capelle's "A Mind for Pool". It has helped me with the mental aspect of competition.
The Phil Capelle offering, A Mind For Pool, is also QUITE good.
Tommy D.
I'm in that place right now after a crushing loss to a weaker player, and it sucks. I headed straight home and right for my copy of Capelle's A Mind for Pool in the hopes of it offering some perspective. It did (thank you, Philip). If you don't have a copy, I recommend getting one.
the capelle book I won and like. he also wrote a book called "a mind for pool" which i liked a lot more than "pleasure of small motions".
"pleasure" just wasn't for me
a mind for pool by phil capelle
I Agree, Pleasures in small motions and A Mind for Pool are great books.
this book has helped me a lot lately. i shoot ok but tend to flake a little now and then and i started reading this book and have found a few
tips to help me. i also tried to read pleasure of small motions but it wasn't my cup of tea.
"A mind for Pool: how to master the mental game" by Phil Capelle. An absolute must read...very helpful.
Varney Cues
Mental Game
Phil Capelle's book. This is also full of some great concepts.
I am reading "A Mind for Pool" right now and it has some really good stuff in it. Very good book.
Fancher, Gallwey, Capelle : which to read first ?
I’d start with the phil capelle. everything by him is pretty solid
I'd say it depends on how well you can analyze your weaknesses, Dave. The Gallwey book is capable of completely re-doing your point of view, so if you begin with that, I'd suggest you take a modest break from the game. I tend to prefer Fancher to Capelle when it comes to this, but that's just one more opinion. Gallwey-Fancher-Capelle, in that order, will probably do the best job of taking you from the general to the specific.
George Fels
FWIW, I found the "The Inner Game of Tennis", "The Tao of Sports", and even Phil Capelle's "Mind for Pool" better than "Pleasures of Small Motions".
I think Mind for Pool by Phil Capelle might be better for DCP like players. While that book hardly gives any real insight as to how mind works, it does teach you how to have positive attitude when it comes to bad luck, funny rolls, etc. All from player's perspective, without any psychological mumbo-jumbo. DCP seems to suffer from "I'm so unlucky" syndrome which so many players have. Technical
term for this syndrome is actually called "whining". Capelle's book really does a superb job dealing with other player's good rolls and your bad ones. Luck always evens out in the long term.
I recently purchased Phil Capelle's "A Mind for Pool" and I really enjoyed studying it.
The best cue sports related book (A Mind For Pool) I have ever read!
Tips on turning a match around?
Some of this information is paraphrased from [b]A Mind for Pool: How to Master the Mental Game by Philip Capelle. If you never read it, I highly recommend it.
I think Mind for Pool is a great book for those that are stuck in the "I am so unlucky" mentality ...I have the book, and I think the best thing
about it is the fact that it puts you in a positive frame of mind. Yeah it has a lot of corny proverbs, but sometimes just picking up the book and reading those will get you in a better frame of mind for the game..JMO
Been reading "Mind for pool" by Phil Capelle lately as well as some online articles on mental game by various people such as those of Blackjack David Sapolis. Really good stuff in there.
Then the mental game really is your issue. Have you read Phil Capelle's superb book on the mental game? I'm no sports psychologist, but I do know this: if your pre-shot routine doesn't prepare you both physically and mentally for your shots, it isn't good enough.
and capelle's a mind for pool is a very good book, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Try to get the book A Mind for Pool by philip capelle, it brings the very best out of you and it helps you focus your mind on the table. Helped me a lot... should help everyone else out the same.
Side Pocket Kid
How to Really Use English...
In the book called, "A Mind for Pool" written by Philip B. Capelle, it talks a little bit about how to really use english. I just wanted to share some thoughts from the book that I thought were really interesting and helped me improve my game. This guy is a certified instructor and has been around pool his entire life, so his knowledge is quite credible.
The man knows of what he speaks. (On a list of tips for how to use english).
Jay Helfert
I read that book (A Mind For Pool) front to back.......I would recommend it!!!!
Need help with anger/unsportsman like conduct while playing.
Buy Phil Capelle's book "A Mind For Pool". It helped me a lot, especially in recognizing my own responsibility in my failures and in learning to accept, forgive and learn from those mistakes.
Capelle's book, "The Mental Game" is also a good read.
Jude Rosenstock
CAPELLE on 9-Ball

Capelle's books are excellent. If you can get a copy of the 9 ball booklet and the dvd that goes along with it with Archer and Reyes. The match is amazing to watch. Both players were magnificent. Capelle does an analysis of some of the shots. Very good.
Capelle on 9-ball: Archer vs. Reyes is a good book and DVD combo.
Icon of Sin
i have it... i thought it was worth it.... I think the book is good for the B player. Watching the match is good for anyone.
Although it's short, his book and VHS tape (or DVD?) on a nine ball match (Efren and Archer) was very well done. It analyzed each situation.
AND ...
I have quite a few videos, partly acquired with book collections. Byrne's videos are good. I think that Capelle's
combo book/video on nine ball (analysis of shots from a match) is a very good way to do it.
Bob Jewett
"Capelle on 9-Ball" is actually a combination book/dvd. You get the complete Accu-Stats DVD of the match (edited for Capelle's purposes) with the commentary by Bill Incardona and David Maddux.In addition to that you get a small book that goes rack by rack and shot by shot what happened in the match. Great shots, ordinary shots and mistakes. Also on the DVD is an analysis of 25 or so critical shots in the match. Capelle uses slow motion, etc. to highlight the key elements. This package is far and away the best training tool for someone who is wanting to play in tournaments and learn from the pros. I was skeptical when I bought it, but I have watched/read it about 5 times in the last couple of months. Outstanding. I hope he will get a chance to do more of these in the future.
AND ...
I also have it. I love it. But then I am a huge fan of Phil Capelle and his works. The part I really like is where he dissects some of the shots at the end of the DVD and shows more reasonable "regular player" alternatives to some of Archer and Reyes' choices. Some of the shots are just too difficult if you are not an expert player and it is nice that he shows you some alternatives.
I have it and would recommend it.
AND ...
Capelle dissects something like 20 key shots in the match in depth, replaying them in the DVD with his commentary overlaid. The book goes
through each rack shot by shot, concentrating more on the critical ones. It also gives the insightful statistical info that Capelle seems to be famous for.
A good example of this is the Archer vs. Reyes "capelle on 9bal" dvd. There’s a section where 25 shots are explained. I know this is not a televised match and I'm not suggesting copying this format exactly, just something similar to this. And for anyone that hasn't seen this match I'm talking about, do yourself a favor and pick it up. Great match and great information. Every shot is explained in a little book and 25 shots are diagrammed on the dvd.
Phil Capelle's "Archer vs. Reyes" DVD is great for in-depth analysis of the minds of two great pros. Watching the DVD and reading about his breakdown of (almost) every shot of two of my favorite pros was just awesome. I wish there were more DVDs like this out
Best book on fundamentals?
I know this is considered an advanced tool but it really fits nicely in what I'm saying. I would strongly recommend Phil Capelle's Archer vs. Reyes DVD/Book. Not only do you get to see two of the greatest players of our time battle it out, you also get a full explanation of every key
shot, why they did it and what their options were. Although it doesn't discuss fundamentals in much detail, you get to SEE how these players stand, how they hold their cues, their rhythm and speed. I cannot say that all of the great players have read books. In fact, I'd be willing to bet many haven't bothered. What I can guarantee is that they've all seen great pool prior to performing it.
Jude Rosenstock
Capelle on 9-ball: Archer vs. Reyes is a good book and DVD combo.
Icon of Sin
i have it... i thought it was worth it.... I think the book is good for the B player. Watching the match is good for anyone.
Although it's short, his book and VHS tape (or DVD?) on a nine ball match (Efren and Archer) was very well done. It analyzed each situation.
AND ...
I have quite a few videos, partly acquired with book collections. Byrne's videos are good. I think that Capelle's
combo book/video on nine ball (analysis of shots from a match) is a very good way to do it.
Bob Jewett
"Capelle on 9-Ball" is actually a combination book/dvd. You get the complete Accu-Stats DVD of the match (edited for Capelle's purposes) with the commentary by Bill Incardona and David Maddux.In addition to that you get a small book that goes rack by rack and shot by shot what happened in the match. Great shots, ordinary shots and mistakes. Also on the DVD is an analysis of 25 or so critical shots in the match. Capelle uses slow motion, etc. to highlight the key elements. This package is far and away the best training tool for someone who is wanting to play in tournaments and learn from the pros. I was skeptical when I bought it, but I have watched/read it about 5 times in the last couple of months. Outstanding. I hope he will get a chance to do more of these in the future.
AND ...
I also have it. I love it. But then I am a huge fan of Phil Capelle and his works. The part I really like is where he dissects some of the shots at the end of the DVD and shows more reasonable "regular player" alternatives to some of Archer and Reyes' choices. Some of the shots are just too difficult if you are not an expert player and it is nice that he shows you some alternatives.
I have it and would recommend it.
AND ...
Capelle dissects something like 20 key shots in the match in depth, replaying them in the DVD with his commentary overlaid. The book goes
through each rack shot by shot, concentrating more on the critical ones. It also gives the insightful statistical info that Capelle seems to be famous for.
A good example of this is the Archer vs. Reyes "capelle on 9bal" dvd. There’s a section where 25 shots are explained. I know this is not a televised match and I'm not suggesting copying this format exactly, just something similar to this. And for anyone that hasn't seen this match I'm talking about, do yourself a favor and pick it up. Great match and great information. Every shot is explained in a little book and 25 shots are diagrammed on the dvd.
Phil Capelle's "Archer vs. Reyes" DVD is great for in-depth analysis of the minds of two great pros. Watching the DVD and reading about his breakdown of (almost) every shot of two of my favorite pros was just awesome. I wish there were more DVDs like this out
Best book on fundamentals?
I know this is considered an advanced tool but it really fits nicely in what I'm saying. I would strongly recommend Phil Capelle's Archer vs. Reyes DVD/Book. Not only do you get to see two of the greatest players of our time battle it out, you also get a full explanation of every key
shot, why they did it and what their options were. Although it doesn't discuss fundamentals in much detail, you get to SEE how these players stand, how they hold their cues, their rhythm and speed. I cannot say that all of the great players have read books. In fact, I'd be willing to bet many haven't bothered. What I can guarantee is that they've all seen great pool prior to performing it.
Jude Rosenstock
Break Shot Patterns

And lastly, the results. I ran a high run for myself of 56 balls and had a break shot to get into 60 but dogged an easy break-shot because I knew I was in unchartered waters. But the real difference now is that I "understand" much better what I'm doing. I now have a road-map to those last 2 or 3 balls that I save for last. I'm playing each frame with a lot more control and less travel. I'm now getting to the next break shot. I don't always make the break shot or get another shot after I open the rack, ...but I'm running the racks with much less movement of the cue ball and now I can see "where I'm going" and which balls I'm trying to fall on to get into the next rack.
Cue4fun (this is an excerpt – the complete review is in the reviews section)
Got the book and DVD and looked at just about all of it. Worth the money as is all of his material.
Received Phil's book and it's really great. Very interesting. I've already gone from looking at balls along rails as usually problem balls to seeing them as possible very useful key balls or key-to-key balls.
Michael Fedak – Sponsor of the 2011 World Tournament of 14.1
I have seen all of the footage so far, so that is nothing new. but to have it explained in such a way it has already opened my eyes to a new way of seeing patterns. I firmly believe from what I have seen that this is gonna be a plus to my game !! And I highly recommend it to players of all games and skill levels.
Steve Kurtz – High run of 119
Capelle's new book on break shot patterns is great. The DVD included really shows how these people play the patterns right and what to look for.
Just got my copy yesterday...can't put it down...such great material....even had the ambition to break out my play your best straight pool and re work some of my pattern play...thanks for everything Mr. Capelle!
This is a tremendous work in scope, ambition, and execution. There is an insight shown here which has traditionally been lacking in books on pocket billiards, and it's yet another reason why Mr. Capelle owns the genre in my opinion. I have noticed an immediate improvement in my play as a result of this material. This is not simply another book to go in your collection; it might truly be, along with Mr. Capelle's other 14.1 treatise, one of the most important compilations you'll ever own. Fantastic job, sir.
Steve Lipsky – (an excerpt – the complete review is in the reviews section)
Received my copy a few days ago, already ordered an additional one for a friend. Thus far have watched all the video clips and started studying the book, will need more time. Anyone who's fairly new to the game, and instead of just reading and watching decides to take these example end patterns to the practice room, is virtually guaranteed improvement.
Acousticsguru (Dave – from Switzerland)
Our poster should definitely also consult Phil Capelle's new book/DVD, all about break-shot patterns. Happy new year! Best regards, GF
George Fels
"Break Shot Patterns* -it comes with a DVD. He has chosen 100 Breakshot patterns played by strongest players you can find. Good and helpful book/dvd.
I ran 23 on new years day with a goal of 60 for 2012. I'm loving this Break shot patterns DVD/book combo by Capelle. But I hate how easy they make it look!
A few weeks ago i got Phil Capelle's latest (and in my opinion, greatest) book & DVD: Break Shot Patterns. for straight pool players, the DVD alone is like eating desert for 2 hours and 15 minutes: watching great player after great player execute the final 4 balls of a variety of ingenious patterns leading to the perfect break ball; 110 runouts in all.
IMHO - it is just as simple as: these are examples of how to get a good break shot from a layout that isn't easy and obvious. I have watched many a rack run by top pros, it seems that mostly, even they, take what the table gives them. Not to downplay the importance of mid-rack choices, but I think you will find that among us mere mortals, 90% of the time when a run ends due to a poor break ball, it is because of the play on the last 5, not the middle 5.
Dale (pdcue)
Cue4fun (this is an excerpt – the complete review is in the reviews section)
Got the book and DVD and looked at just about all of it. Worth the money as is all of his material.
Received Phil's book and it's really great. Very interesting. I've already gone from looking at balls along rails as usually problem balls to seeing them as possible very useful key balls or key-to-key balls.
Michael Fedak – Sponsor of the 2011 World Tournament of 14.1
I have seen all of the footage so far, so that is nothing new. but to have it explained in such a way it has already opened my eyes to a new way of seeing patterns. I firmly believe from what I have seen that this is gonna be a plus to my game !! And I highly recommend it to players of all games and skill levels.
Steve Kurtz – High run of 119
Capelle's new book on break shot patterns is great. The DVD included really shows how these people play the patterns right and what to look for.
Just got my copy yesterday...can't put it down...such great material....even had the ambition to break out my play your best straight pool and re work some of my pattern play...thanks for everything Mr. Capelle!
This is a tremendous work in scope, ambition, and execution. There is an insight shown here which has traditionally been lacking in books on pocket billiards, and it's yet another reason why Mr. Capelle owns the genre in my opinion. I have noticed an immediate improvement in my play as a result of this material. This is not simply another book to go in your collection; it might truly be, along with Mr. Capelle's other 14.1 treatise, one of the most important compilations you'll ever own. Fantastic job, sir.
Steve Lipsky – (an excerpt – the complete review is in the reviews section)
Received my copy a few days ago, already ordered an additional one for a friend. Thus far have watched all the video clips and started studying the book, will need more time. Anyone who's fairly new to the game, and instead of just reading and watching decides to take these example end patterns to the practice room, is virtually guaranteed improvement.
Acousticsguru (Dave – from Switzerland)
Our poster should definitely also consult Phil Capelle's new book/DVD, all about break-shot patterns. Happy new year! Best regards, GF
George Fels
"Break Shot Patterns* -it comes with a DVD. He has chosen 100 Breakshot patterns played by strongest players you can find. Good and helpful book/dvd.
I ran 23 on new years day with a goal of 60 for 2012. I'm loving this Break shot patterns DVD/book combo by Capelle. But I hate how easy they make it look!
A few weeks ago i got Phil Capelle's latest (and in my opinion, greatest) book & DVD: Break Shot Patterns. for straight pool players, the DVD alone is like eating desert for 2 hours and 15 minutes: watching great player after great player execute the final 4 balls of a variety of ingenious patterns leading to the perfect break ball; 110 runouts in all.
IMHO - it is just as simple as: these are examples of how to get a good break shot from a layout that isn't easy and obvious. I have watched many a rack run by top pros, it seems that mostly, even they, take what the table gives them. Not to downplay the importance of mid-rack choices, but I think you will find that among us mere mortals, 90% of the time when a run ends due to a poor break ball, it is because of the play on the last 5, not the middle 5.
Dale (pdcue)

Try the Mike Massey book he collaborated on with Phil Capelle. Can't go wrong there
Mike Massey's book has a bit more detail than Byrne's. Both will take some experimenting and practice though.
Third recommendation for Massey's book. It's comprehensive and fun.
Mike Massey's book has a bit more detail than Byrne's. Both will take some experimenting and practice though.
Third recommendation for Massey's book. It's comprehensive and fun.